What is the best conditioner to use with a cellophane?


New Member
Hey Ladies-

I am planning to cellophane my hair tonight with a Sebastian Coloushines cellophane (I've mixed the Redality and Reddismo together). I've read on several threads that some of you have experience dryness after using a cellophane. Has anybody discovered a conditioning regimen that works for them after using a cellophane? I'm tempted to do my usual protein deep conditioning treatment afterward since it makes my hair so soft now, but I want to know what really works. Any suggestions?

Additionally, have any of you applied a cellophane without the use of a dryer to sit under? I'm thinking about purchasing a soft bonnet dryer (after reading so many great reviews on the forum about them) but I won't if it isn't a necessity. Any advise here?

Thanks ladies!
Greetings Sister:) ,

After I cellophane, if I don't want to sit under the dry, I'll put a cap on and do housework for about an hour and then rinse it out.
The conditioner that I use that seems to work best for me is Kerastase masque oleo relax.

Good Luck. The colors sound wonderful:) .

I have cinnamon and mahongany in my 'do.
I think it's best to use a conditioner that offers a lot of slip. So, whatever your most detangling conditioner is (for your hair) - use that.
I'm in the Atlanta area, I wish I could find a place that sells Cellophans retail. I'm tired of mail order! LOL
My hair is dry but i'm not sure if its because i use a cellophane like every 2months. i use colourshines in cinnamon. I would not recommend mixing it with a conditioner because i have done this and it was a complete waste...the color did not take. So just use the colourshines and then do a good deep cond treatment with something moisturizing (not protein) and it will soften your hair to your liking. Cellophanes have always stopped my hair from breaking badly so i always assumed that it already had enough protein in it and you just need to moisturize...