What is the benefits of using a plastic cap on your head?


Well-Known Member
Sometimes I deep conditioning my head without a plastic cap or with one. I was wonder to myself what is so beneficial about using a plastic cap on your head. Does it retain better moisture or length? Can someone feel me in with the details?
I believe it is because of the heat that is generated when you have a plastic cap on. The heat opens up the hair cuticle and allows the moisture to go into the hair strands. For me personally my hair is more moisturized when i use a cap as opposed to not using one.
I use a cap in order to trap in the body heat that is being produced, as evidenced by the condensation that is found on the inside; it is also a preventative measure that guards against the conditioner drying/hardening during the DC process.
I use the shower caps (4 of them) if I feel like cleaning my house while my hair deep conditions and I don't want to sit under my wonderful dome hair dryer (gift from hubby).

I use multiple caps because I notice I get way better results with 4 instead of one. They sell a twelve pack at the $ store for 1 buck.

I do not on the other hand leave the house, do my grocery shopping, drive all over the city and talk to the neighbors or EVEN leave the house with those caps on my head...ever....ever (lol)
I wear a shower cap to trap the heat when deep conditioning like the above posters. Heck I have gone teo days with conditioner in my head, lol. I put me on a cute hat over the shower cap and no one ever knows, lol.
In addition to the answers above i do not want hair touching my neck, shoulders or hanging in my face whilst it is wet with product in it.
I use a plastic shower cap ansd then put a thick towel on top to generate heat. I also make sure to drink several cups of tea to help warm my body up.
Main reason why I use the plastic cap is to prevent dripping all over me...then it's to lock in the moisture and generate heat.
to contain body heat released from the head to aid in conditioning process and also to keep conditioner/treatment from drying out before i wash it out. Also to avoid mess as conditioner/treatment may run or drip all over self and surroundings.
If you are using a plastic cap while sitting under a dryer it is to protect your hair from becoming hard and having the product dry on your hair. You want the cap to create like a green house environment for optimal conditioning. Others who do not sit under the dryer use it to trap body heat to help in conditioning. Without heat you are wasting product since the hair cuticle will not swell.
IA with posters above. I like to swim-> wash and condish-> put on my cap-> then sit in the sauna for 15-20 min-> rinse condish out. I'm in the sauna with my cap right now! Lol