What is Sweet Oil for?


SuperDuper Member
Is it Sweet Almond Oil or Sweet Oil? Are they both used for hair? I was in a pharmacy and saw Sweet Oil and didn't know if I should get it. Thanks in advance for all responses.
A lot of times people use drops of Sweet Oil in the ear for ear aches. I have used it for that before, but I've heard that doctors do not advise people do that anymore.

I don't know of any other uses. HTH
I have only seen sweet oil in the pharmacy section of grocery stores in black neighborhoods. It is used a bit warmed to treat ear aches and soften wax in the ears, but it is nothing but olive oil. It says so right on the bottle. I just found that out about three years ago and I asked my mom: Why don't they just call it what it is -- olive oil?

ETA: I am surprised to see in another post that doctors are advising against using this in your ears. I had some bad ear problems for a couple of years recently. They would get really clogged and hurt very badly. It would happen every few months. I would have to go to the ENT and get them flushed which was not the most pleasant thing in the world. About 18 months ago, I got down my bottle of olive oil out the cabinet and warmed it with some aloe vera added a drop of tea tree oil after it was warmed and treated my ears with it every three hours for a day and I haven't had a problem since.
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I have only seen sweet oil in the pharmacy section of grocery stores in black neighborhoods. It is used a bit warmed to treat ear aches and soften wax in the ears, but it is nothing but olive oil. It says so right on the bottle. I just found that out about three years ago and I asked my mom: Why don't they just call it what it is -- olive oil?

I agree. A couple of years ago I was having problems with ear aches and went to a pharmacist for suggestions. They recommended sweet oil and said that it was just olive oil.