What is shea butter supposed to look like?


New Member
I just purchases some shea butter from sally's. It's say's in ingredients "100% natural shea butter" so I'm guessing there's nothing artificial about it, but the texture was soooooo werid. Like hard and FLAKY. If I put my finger it it, it cracks and if I scoop some out, I end up with a blob and FLAKES! Lol. Is this what the texture is supposed to be like before you melt it?
Yes, it is supposed to look like that. If you melt it down on a daily basis, the consistency of it will soften and melt in your hand quicker when you rub your hands 2gether. Doesn't it smell heavenly? Gesh, i love that stuff!
Ok I'm glad that that's what it's suppose to look like.

Oh! That was my other issue. The smell. I thought it was horrible!
hehe. Maybe I got a weird kinda jar or something, but I was blown away it was so bad. Anyone else had some BAD smellin' shea butter?
The only pure shea butter I've ever used was from www.nasabb.com, and it didn't look like that. It's light, kind of fluffy and melts easily and smoothly when you rub your hands together. Also, it may depend on whether the shea butter is refined or unrefined.
Right! Refined or unrefined. I knew there waa another factor I was missing. I will definetly be orderering some shea from that website. Thanks miss brown!
The kind I use is a little hard and flaky, but smooths out when you rub it in your hands. The smell is rather dull, nothing spectacular or offensive about it. The kind I use is by Palmer's. It isn't intended for hair, but it can be used on it.