What is salvation?


New Member
I had a talk with two people yesterday and this is the question that I was left with/confused with.
According to you how does one get saved, what are the steps?
1) Is it believing + repenting+ confessing+ baptism?
2) Is it: believing + repenting + confessing?
3) Or is it believing only?

Do you believe "believing" (that Jesus rose from the dead etc...) and "confessing" are the same or that they are different? (I understand confessing as saying/admitting that Jesus is one's Lord and savior/the differents prayers that folks are asked to say when they accept Christ)

Do you thinking one is not really saved/washed from his sin until baptism as in Acts 2:38? (which is basically the first "path" I mentionned)

I'm interested in knowing what you feel with scriptural back-up if possible and could you say what denomination you are? because it seems that the view on salvation varies from one denomination to the other
Romans 10:9 says "That if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved."

Repenting is definitely apart of it. Jesus' first message was to repent for the kingdom had arrived(matt 4:17). Do you know what repentance is? A lot of times we think of it as going to an altar and crying and sobbing about what we've done wrong. Check out the greek. Repent means to change your thinking. Jesus said "Change your thinking." Your thinking has been messed up all these years and now you need to change it.

Confession is with your mouth, belief is in your heart.

Baptism comes after salvation.

My ministry is nondenominational. Please don't get caught up in what this denomination says or what this one says(I'm not saying you should not be apart of a denomination). Stick closely to the word and not the doctrines of a ministry. We all have a responsibility to study to show ourselves approved. If it doesn't line up with the word and your spirit take heed. After salvation you are sealed with Holy Spirit. Now, just as in the beginning, you can receive revelation directly from the Father. That is why Jesus said It's important that I leave. He knew we needed Holy Spirit because He is the ultimate teacher.

Be blessed!
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