What is my hair type?


Well-Known Member
Okay Ladies, I have always wondered what type of hair I have but have been afraid to ask.:perplexed Please help me figure out my hair type, because I have tried viewing the charts but am still lost. Thanks in advance!
By natural state, do you mean while it is wet? I have a relaxer and normally wear it straight.
Cute braid out...I think you'll need a bit more than that! Relaxed hair DRASTICALLY alters new growth and you usually don't get a "real' look at it till it's cut. Trust me.

Going by JUST that, and how the light causes sheen vs shine, I'd guess 4 something. It really is hard to tell and I could be very wrong!
I agree with song of serenity it seems like it could possibly be in the 4 neighborhood but you don't have nearly enough new growth for us to be able to tell for sure....

If you ever stretch for three months then we could really tell the type:yep:
You are going to have to wait a minute before you can make a true assessment. Are you going natural or just stretching?