What is my hair type? Newly Natural

Congrats on ur BC! I agree its alittle hard 2 tell ur hair type based on the pics & the length of ur hair. But if I had 2 guess, it looks like ur in the 4s
Very cute ! I really don't understand hair typing though sorry!

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I love your little coilies!! They're so cute :grin:. You definitely not 4c because you actually have a curl pattern. Looks 4a to me, possibly two different kinds of 4a.
You are a FINE type 4. Looks like mine. Read up the Original Fine Hair thread on how to care for those delicate coilies.

Congrats on the BC!
Very pretty 4a. You could be a mix but the pics look 4a to me. Honestly, the type isn't all that important. I still don't know for sure what my hair type is I just stick with 3c/4a lol.