What is my hair length???


Active Member
I wear my hair up most of the time. When I'm asked how long my hair is, I say "shoulder length." One lady saw me at a dinner party (last night) with my hair down and she said (to another lady who later told me) that I lied about the length of my hair.

Ladies, please look at my December 7, 2007 pic in my album and tell me if I'm shoulder length or not.

Thanks, in advance for you opinion.

Yes...you did kind of lie (if you said your hair is shoulder length). Technically, it is closer to APL.:lachen:
Yep you done lied!!:grin:


(I think you're APL too ;))

ETA: Though, to a non-hair-forum-er, the easiest description would probably be 'shoulder length' or 'past shoulder length'...
why did she say you lied?
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You're APL to me.

Liar, Liar, pants on fire :mob: j/k. Your hair is very pretty, so are your little ladies hair!!

(I think you're APL too ;))

ETA: Though, to a non-hair-forum-er, the easiest description would probably be 'shoulder length' or 'past shoulder length'...
why did she say you lied?

Cause she's a HAB (hatin' fill in the blanks).

You're hair is gorgeous!
OKAY, I’m really cheesing over the fact that the ladies at LHCF think I’m passed SL. I thought I was SL and that’s what I’ve been saying. I got a call today from the 2nd lady saying she heard I was at the dinner party last night and I had my hair down and it wasn’t as long as I have been saying. I said, “it’s shoulder length” then she said, “That’s not what I heard, and why do you always wear your hair up all the time if it really is that long”

I laughed and said SL is not really that long and you just wouldn’t understand why I wear it up. I’ve come to realize I’m surrounded by a lot of people that I don’t have the highest opinion of and I can’t let them upset me all the time. I have to have a sense of humor about some things.
I actually think your back layer is an inch or so past APL, your headed toward BSL, but in the real world no one using terms like APL so I think SL was perfectly justified.:ohwell:
OKAY, I’m really cheesing over the fact that the ladies at LHCF think I’m passed SL. I thought I was SL and that’s what I’ve been saying. I got a call today from the 2nd lady saying she heard I was at the dinner party last night and I had my hair down and it wasn’t as long as I have been saying. I said, “it’s shoulder length” then she said, “That’s not what I heard, and why do you always wear your hair up all the time if it really is that long”

I laughed and said SL is not really that long and you just wouldn’t understand why I wear it up. I’ve come to realize I’m surrounded by a lot of people that I don’t have the highest opinion of and I can’t let them upset me all the time. I have to have a sense of humor about some things.

Are you kidding? Is it really that serious to them? And they had the nerve to call you about it???? WOW!!!! As others have said, your hair is def APL and it looks really thick. If I were you, I'd avoid those negative women and keep doing you!!!!
Well, if she thinks you lied about being shoulder length then I sure as heck would like to know what SHE considers shoulder length because you are definitely past that.

Your hair looks great!
You are way past SL!!!...And your hair looks gorgeous BTW.
But why is she all up in your bizness anyway. Talking to a third party no less.
That's triflin!
Are you kidding? Is it really that serious to them? And they had the nerve to call you about it???? WOW!!!! As others have said, your hair is def APL and it looks really thick. If I were you, I'd avoid those negative women and keep doing you!!!!

I'm not kidding. I found they talk about me quite a bit at work but I've learn to deal. I have learned that some women just have to have something to talk about. Some of the new people have not seen my hair down and they all work in another part of the building and I work in the office area so they see me infrequently. When I do see them, I'm friendly and I talk with them but they have developed clicks that I'm just not a part of. Some of them are just the "Friendly enemy".

I know I should just avoid some of them, that is very good advice but I just had to develop a sense of humor about some of the stupid behavior and remarks.
Yeah, you lied. You are not SL, you are APL. :lachen: Keep up the good work and tell those haters to hate the game not the player!