What is more damaging - winter or summer?


Active Member
Hi Ladies,

I was just wondering what type of wheather is actually more damaging / drying to our hair, as I have heard that the cold winds cause dry breakage but then I have also heard that the heat from the sun is bad too.

I have read that hair grows faster in the summer than the winter though, is this true or does it just retain more length in the summer from less breaking and split ends?

I am super-bored of wearing my hair in protective styles every day but wouldn't DARE wear it out in this snowy, windy, COLD England weather whilst I am trying to grow it. I am hoping that in the summer I can at least wear it down a couple of days without the risk of split ends that I think the winter brings.

Any thoughts on this?
my hair seems to thrive during the summer, thats when it takes off like a weed!!! i think it may be the heat with the oil products in my hair, its like having a hot oil treatment everyday! :lachen: cant really answer about the winter, because it is forever summer in houston!!! gotta love it.
I would say it depends on where you are in the winter. I'm in the cold, dry, windy midwest, and the winters wreaked havoc on my hair when I first arrived here. Now that I know how to protect it, things are better.
No difference for my hair, I get good growth both seasons. Actually this has been the best winter for my hair since it never got dry this winter once I started moisturizing in the morning and in the evening, plus running my humidifier everyday :yep:
BLESSED1 said:
No difference for my hair, I get good growth both seasons. Actually this has been the best winter for my hair since it never got dry this winter once I started moisturizing in the morning and in the evening, plus running my humidifier everyday :yep:

Same goes for me.
As long as my hair is properly moisturize i have no problems with it.
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Its the winter for me. Causes lots of dryness, which can lead to brittle hair. I'm learning moisturizing is definitely a good thing :)
I'm not sure which is more damaging... this is my 1st winter as a natural & I haven't had any problems... hopefully I can breeze through this 1st summer without any problems also!
My hair stays pretty much the same all year round. But I don't wear it out in the cold, dry winter.
Ok maybe I should rephrase my question as I forgot that in other parts of the world winter does not necessarily mean cold ,windy, icy weather!

What is more damaging to you hair when wearing it out - cold,windy icy weather or the heat from the sun?

Thanks for all responses so far!
My hair thrives in the summer, it doesn't seem to suffer TOO badly in the winter, but it definitely does not do as well.

I would say winter is more tough on my hair. Not to mention the hats I have to wear and the wool coats that my hair can get caught on... there's no friction from fabrics in the summer and the air is full of moisture. :up: for summer.
I say winter (depending on where you live). During the winter my hair is subjected to bitter cold on some days and harsh wind. It's a bit rough. So for me, winter is most challenging. I have to work extra hard to maintain length. During the spring and summer it grows faster because I can wash it every day, lather it with a good leave in and let it air dry in the sun. :yep: