What is meant by a bad weave?


New Member
I am a micro junky. I have been getting them for years.

I always tell myself this is my last time.... I will stop, go to wigs, press and curls, etc.. but I always go back. They have been growing my hair, but I am tired of getting them, but its the only style that does not depress me. When I get them I feel like I am on top of the world.

I have them in now and when I got them, another customer was there getting a weave put in. She too was natural and the african that put it in I was very impressed with. She got it done I kid you not in 45 min. this lady got one of those loose spanish wavey ones. All of her natural hair was hidden and the way the african put it in you could not see any track.

I was amazed at the speed, she wiped her real hair in up in spirial cornrolls, then sewed in the tracks. It was very nice when done. I was so impressed I am thinking about getting that next if the afro bun does not work out.

I hear on here a lot about bad weaves and damage. What would cause a weave to break the hair off? From I witnessed it seemed like she applied the weave correctly to where the hair would not matt under the weave and the weave job its self was excellent.
Well weave can break your hair off if it is in too tight or glued in.

However, a bad weave to me is when you can obviously tell from a mile away that the hair is not that person's. For instance, you can see all of the tracks and can obviously tell the real hair from the fake hair because the textures do not blend. I've seen a few ponytails looking like they are going to come off, befcause they are holding on by a thread. That is a bad weave.
Oh ok. I see what you are saying now.

The weave job was good then, because it looked so natural. Now the place I went does not braid tightly so I know hers were not tight.
Funny you should mention this. I am itching to get some jet black long micros. The last time I got it, was 4 years ago. My edges thinned and it took a long time to get them in(8 hours). I really like the convenience of them. I keep swearing them off, but they look so cute, when taken care of. I may get some this fall, before I go back to school.

You probably saw her getting a sew in. They have always helped my hair to grow. It is when you don't take care of them, or leave them in too long, they can cause damage.

A bad weave is like she said^, it is very obvious, and the hair is horrible.:perplexed I have to admit, I have been guilty of a bad weave. But who cares?!:look:

Also it is good to try something new. If micros make you feel great, stick with them, but try different colors and texture. I am pretty sure you have tried that. But, I wish I could pay for some braids or weave, and at the end felt like you do!:lachen:
Well weave can break your hair off if it is in too tight or glued in.

However, a bad weave to me is when you can obviously tell from a mile away that the hair is not that person's. For instance, you can see all of the tracks and can obviously tell the real hair from the fake hair because the textures do not blend. I've seen a few ponytails looking like they are going to come off, befcause they are holding on by a thread. That is a bad weave.

Correct:lachen:. This is the best way to describe a bad weave. The worst kind are the ones that looks like a bird nest or a small furry animal that died a while ago.
Funny you should mention this. I am itching to get some jet black long micros. The last time I got it, was 4 years ago. My edges thinned and it took a long time to get them in(8 hours). I really like the convenience of them. I keep swearing them off, but they look so cute, when taken care of. I may get some this fall, before I go back to school.

You probably saw her getting a sew in. They have always helped my hair to grow. It is when you don't take care of them, or leave them in too long, they can cause damage.

A bad weave is like she said^, it is very obvious, and the hair is horrible.:perplexed I have to admit, I have been guilty of a bad weave. But who cares?!:look:

Also it is good to try something new. If micros make you feel great, stick with them, but try different colors and texture. I am pretty sure you have tried that. But, I wish I could pay for some braids or weave, and at the end felt like you do!:lachen:

The place I go, I have never been there for more then 5 hours, which is another reason why I like going so much. I normally have two people in my hair. Funny thing is my side never suffer.

Now that you mentioned it, I have never gotten new colors, I guess I am afraid that I will not like it.
I am a micro junky. I have been getting them for years.

I always tell myself this is my last time.... I will stop, go to wigs, press and curls, etc.. but I always go back. They have been growing my hair, but I am tired of getting them, but its the only style that does not depress me. When I get them I feel like I am on top of the world.

I have them in now and when I got them, another customer was there getting a weave put in. She too was natural and the african that put it in I was very impressed with. She got it done I kid you not in 45 min. this lady got one of those loose spanish wavey ones. All of her natural hair was hidden and the way the african put it in you could not see any track.

I was amazed at the speed, she wiped her real hair in up in spirial cornrolls, then sewed in the tracks. It was very nice when done. I was so impressed I am thinking about getting that next if the afro bun does not work out.

I hear on here a lot about bad weaves and damage. What would cause a weave to break the hair off? From I witnessed it seemed like she applied the weave correctly to where the hair would not matt under the weave and the weave job its self was excellent.
:ot: word of caution from a reformed micro junky....Traction Alopecia ... happened to me after 10 years of wearing and a couple of African braiders... just something for chronic micro wearers to note. Also beware of tight weaves... both will kill hair follicles over time. Personally I will never wear sew-ins or micros again and I am grateful that my hair is fully growing back in. The doctors told me otherwise when I was Dx....

Back On Topic now...
:ot: word of caution from a reformed micro junky....Traction Alopecia ... happened to me after 10 years of wearing and a couple of African braiders... just something for chronic micro wearers to note. Also beware of tight weaves... both will kill hair follicles over time. Personally I will never wear sew-ins or micros again and I am grateful that my hair is fully growing back in. The doctors told me otherwise when I was Dx....

Back On Topic now...

Yeah It has been like 10 years for me too. I started getting them in 1998. :perplexed. I know I need to stop soon.
Yeah It has been like 10 years for me too. I started getting them in 1998. :perplexed. I know I need to stop soon.
Run from anything tight...run for your life!!!!! TA is real.... I took my micros out, my hair was fine for 4 months, then it fell out...doc said that was normal. I was mortified. It's back, growing in nicely and natural.. I am leaving it be! Lace Fronts saved my life during that trying time. Now I use them as a fun protective style. Something to consider because years of weaves and braids will surely do damage over time some time irreversable damage. Do a google on Traction Alopecia
Yikes. I know I have a problem with uneven breakage, put so far I have been lucky enough not to have those bald spots. Which are probably on its way if I don't stop.
Yikes. I know I have a problem with uneven breakage, put so far I have been lucky enough not to have those bald spots. Which are probably on its way if I don't stop.
I don't mean to scare you, I just wish someone would have told me. Mine didn't fall out until AFTER I took the braids out, which was the hardest thing to understand. If I had seen bald spots before I would have taken them out sooner. Weird.
You did not sacre me. I have eard of it before, I guess since I had not seen it yet in my own head, I thought it would not happen to me.
You did not sacre me. I have eard of it before, I guess since I had not seen it yet in my own head, I thought it would not happen to me.
You can't beat them for convenience, I am a Workout Warrior - Action Figure, and the shake an go with the Lugos curly hair was heaven. That convenience came with a price.

Educate yourself on the matter, and if anyone attempts to put anything tight on your scalp :badidea:, give them a good :poke: in the eye or a good :bat: so you don't end up looking like :pullhair:
Bad weave job - You can see the tracks, it doesn't blend/match with the person's real hair, it's not closed properly, it's falling apart/coming out, the ends are cut and look obvious, it looks fake, or the hair looks cheap and ratty.

It can damage your hair if it's put in too tight or incorrectly. It can also cause breakage if you allow your natural hair to get dry underneath.