What is happening to my waves?!!!!


Well-Known Member
I am a part of the Ovation/MT challenge. I can not complain at all. I have had some great growth. In February, I cut off a fair amount of hair in my pursuit to be natural. As of today, I have grown that hair back and some. Well, the other day I was taking some photos and noticed that my waves are not as defined as they use to be. What is going on?!!! I loved the way they use to look. Could it possibly be the Ovation/MT that is causing my waves to leave? Has anyone else had this happen to them?
Several ladies have noticed a change in texture from using the MT/OCT, esp. when it came to new growth - they found that they had more new growth, but it was wavier/smoother, so that they could still manage it for the length of a stretch.
Several ladies have noticed a change in texture from using the MT/OCT, esp. when it came to new growth - they foundthat they had more new growth, but it was wavier/smoother , so that they could still manage it for the length of a stretch.

Yes, this is what I am noticing. I know that when I first started transitioning, it was courser. I love the results of the combination of the two. Is there anything I can do to get more defined waves? I've tried to air dry, but that's not working.