What is 'good' hair?

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Oh my gosh how are you ladykpnyc! I miss you so much on youtube girl I didn't know you were on this board! I gotta go see if you have any new vids, wow! Longtime subscriber right here. I was subscribed to you LONG before I found this hair board.

I'm good!! I've been MIA for a minute. I shut down my youtube b/c the mods ruined my videos b/c of the music in the background. I'm in the process of setting up a new channel.

I've been more of a lurker on here than anything, I used to be more active back in the day (:lachen: like I'm 100 years old). The PJ in me has me dying to see what's going on...so I'm back.
'good hair' is usually that 'wash and go'; hangs when wet; easily pressed with swang; put a bit of gel and you're good to go kinda hair....

People ignorant enough to use that term are referring to hair that is in the 3-spectrum....
4's like me don't make their cut:lachen:
I guess I'm lucky because I never really had a negative view of "good hair" outside of the hair boards. It's no different than a pretty smile or a nice figure to me. I don't attribute everything black people say or do back to slavery or whatever. My hair isn't that long, it isn't type 3, it isn't even natural and hasn't always been healthy, yet I've heard this all my life. (although people on LHCF probably think my hair isn't all that because it's not long by board standards)

Good hair isn't all about health. That's why some people emerge as hair gurus and others do not. I'll just say it - often times, those that emerge as super-popular hair gurus have "good hair." and it's NOT JUST TEXTURE...they all meet one or more of the definitions described here.

Ateeya had relaxed hair with "swang"
NikkiMae is straight 4b with soft, very manageable natural hair
AndreasChoice has loose waves
Hair Crush - hard to define texture, but thick and long
Longhairdont care - super long
Kimmaytube - visible curls, soft hair, and now it's pretty long
CurlyNikki - thick, kinky, but looser texture if you look at her wet shots, they look almost texlaxed

The list goes on...and I'm talking about super-popular, getting endorsements and NY Times features. Now some don't care about YouTube popularity...I'm just pointing out that, to me, "good hair" is more than just healthy hair. These days, it's a marketable quality. Many people have healthy hair, but unless it appears to also possess some additional valuable quality, no one really pays attention.

The same can be said of this board, but I won't call names. Two board members that no longer post, but had "good hair" were Pinkskates and Macherie. And Macherie's hair is relaxed.
'good hair' is usually that 'wash and go'; hangs when wet; easily pressed with swang; put a bit of gel and you're good to go kinda hair....

People ignorant enough to use that term are referring to hair that is in the 3-spectrum....
4's like me don't make their cut:lachen:

I really thought all hair hangs when wet:perplexed all these crazy different definitions.
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i'm not buying it. you are trying to create drama simply because you won't accept what others' definitions are. you want the ignorant comments. like i said you already know what time it is. but whatever. you didn't state what were folks previous perceptions of what good hair is as to what folks think now. but it's all good.

oh and i read everything you posted up to my first post.
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Ladies thanks for entertaining the heyow out of me thus far.
Now to offer my $ 0.02, well, I thought good hair was any head of hair that grew long and thick. I mean I thought wavy, curly texture was "good" too but always thought that they couldn't do much with their hair but do ponytails or buns most of the time and the people I knew with waves and curls hair was alwayz on the thinner side and couldn't hold curls or reverted easily when straightened. I was always amazed by length and thickness. Now I know better which is why I am here on the hair boards right?:yep:

BTW, I do get why people get a little shall we say...sensitive when the subject of hair type and texture comes up. Especially If you've been told all your life you've got "BAD" hair. And felt inferior, less than and stuck with "bad" hair cuz hell it's something about yourself you can't change, you just don't wanna hear anymore about "good or bad hair". But, I digress. Back to the e-entertainment!!!!.
Regardless of nationality, black people know what "good" or "nice" or "coolie" hair is. Hell, even George Lopez said Terrence Howard had "good hair" on his late night show. :giggle: It's always the same textures :lol: I doubt anyone's definition changed greatly after joining LHCF .. other than the "healthy hair" idea. Again, side eye to this entire post.
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Where I'm from in Trinidad 'coolie' means someone of East Indian decent. 'Chinee' or 'Chiney' means someone of Chinese decent. We use 'Dougla' to describe someone that is mixed with Black and East Indian. Typically, we would say that a person as 'Dougla hair' if it's silky, dark, forming ringlets and/or curls. We would never say someone has 'Chinee/Chiney' hair because that in itself is just straight hair like white people would have except maybe courser and thicker. We would ask people if they're mixed with 'Coolie' or Latino if they had good hair that looked similar to a 'Dougla'.

Just a clarification from a born and raised Trini for 10 years. :look:
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OP I thought everyone knew what good hair was. Hair thats a

looser texture than 4a...
It's hair that has its own style build in with no work to make it that way, curls and waves
It's easier to get a comb through it...
It grows quicker
It's usually always longer (with less effort)
Shines on its own with no oil (Some of it)
With oil it shines (reflects light well)
It's easier to straighten (takes much less effort)
Less damage to straighten or to style (less damage to comb, detangle, heat style)
Causes less effort to straighten and style (less heat, less work)

Examples of good hair,




Examples of NON good hair




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OP I thought everyone knew what good hair was. Hair thats a

looser texture than 4a...
It's hair that has its own style build in with no work to make it that way, curls and waves
It's easier to get a comb through it...
It grows quicker
It's usually always longer (with less effort)
Shines on its own with no oil (Some of it)
With oil it shines (reflects light well)
It's easier to straighten (takes much less effort)
Less damage to straighten or to style (less damage to comb, detangle, heat style)
Causes less effort to straighten and style (less heat, less work)

Examples of good hair,



Examples of NON good hair



I showed my mom these two pics of curly hair that y'all keep posting and she said that in her day, that was not considered "good hair." People with those curls (loose) often had hard to manage hair (dry, frizzy, thin) and they usually relaxed or pressed it like everybody else. Edit: I'm not saying looser textures are hard to manage. I think there wasn't enough education about how to care for curls, period, because so many were wearing their hair straight.

Eta: Plus, their hair couldn't fro as well. This was back in the day, mind you. Thick hair was coveted more than curls. My mom grew up in Louisiana and didn't get a relaxer until she was an adult. She wore a press.
Oh and also Sheena284, my examples were not what I thought of as good hair. Before the hair boards, I would never really think of hair, my parents never raised me on this 'good hair/bad hair' mentality.

I'm about to be completely honest right now, I never thought of hair as often as I do now. I grew up a tomboy and hair was always the last thing on my mind if anything. Although when it did pop up, good hair was my mum's hair because it was long, silky, straight, and relaxed. I only got this idea because when I watched Mulan, Little Mermaid, and Pocahontas, I slightly envied that their hair moved with the slightest bit of motion and was basically the opposite of my hair in most ways since it was STRAIGHT. Any hair that was STRAIGHT was good hair to me; none of this curls or ringlets business — to be acceptable to me, your hair had to be straight and long with movement and flow like Pocahontas. I guess you can say I was mostly obsessed with Asian or Aboriginal hair.

As I got older, I came to appreciate all types of hair, especially now because of LHCF.

EDIT: Sorry about the overuse of the word straight lol, I was trying too hard to make a point. :lol:
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What about how your hair looks when it is wet? I have noticed that on You Tube, no one's hair looks like mine when it is wet. I mean other people's seem to look exactly the same as it does when is dry.

When I used to go to a stylist, once they wet my hair, the stylist would often say "Oh!" in surprise. Then they would tell me I have good hair. Or a "soft texture."
I showed my mom these two pics of curly hair that y'all keep posting and she said that in her day, that was not considered "good hair." People with those curls (loose) often had hard to manage hair (dry, frizzy, thin) and they usually relaxed or pressed it like everybody else.

Eta: Plus, their hair couldn't fro as well. This was back in the day, mind you. Thick hair was coveted more than curls. My mom grew up in Louisiana and didn't get a relaxer until she was an adult. She wore a press.

People waves and curls might have a harder time managing their hair in relation to Asians or Whites. Because many try to straighten or loosen the curl and those folks already have that hair.

But thats not the comparison, the comparison is good hair and non good hair as told in our community. So thats what I gave the OP.

Now when ethnic hair is trying to style for a fro, yes curly, wavy heads have a harder time getting a fro than non good hair because they are 2 different textures. Non good hair naturally style in a fro with no effort.
Oh and my mom (2c silky) used to talk about people with CantchaDoncha hair.

Cantcha comb it and Don'tcha try.

People with cantchadontcha hair did NOT have good hair.

I'm still with the folks they say healthy hair. No one is going to know you have good hair unless it's healthy.
People waves and curls might have a harder time managing their hair in relation to Asians or Whites. Because many try to straighten or loosen the curl and those folks already have that hair.

But thats not the comparison, the comparison is good hair and non good hair as told in our community. So thats what I gave the OP.

Now when ethnic hair is trying to style for a fro, yes curly, wavy heads have a harder time getting a fro than non good hair because they are 2 different textures. Non good hair naturally style in a fro with no effort.

I wasn't negating anything you said. The whole concept of "good hair" is subjective. I think my mother's opinion was reflective of "our community." Just because it doesn't match YOUR definition doesn't mean it isn't valid. There have been a variety of opinions expressed; none are exclusive.

Like I said, I've been told I had good hair with my hair in all manner of styles, both natural and relaxed. It had nothing to do with curl pattern/size. To me, it's manageability. My mom is over here laughing at me, asking me why am I arguing over "good hair." She told me my hair looks good and always has, nappy or not...lol so with that I'm gonna bounce. I see this thread going downhill.
Why are some people being so catty to O.P assuming she's starting this thread for compliments? Seriously? If she threw in a "Cause I was at the store and some lady said I had good hair, I have no idea what she MEAAANS! " story then ok...she wanted validation. However? It was a QUESTION.

If she had straight up 4b hair, would it STILL be an issue?
Yes. 4a is good hair too. When you start getting to 4b then......:nono: Goes downhill from there. :lol:

(side eye) Uhhh I'm not seeing that. 4a hair is to tight. And it doesn't reflect light well if at all. Plus it's much harder to style unless you are doing a fro type thing. If youare doing a fro, its easy to style.

This is 4a hair. No curls. No waves. Some discernable coils.

This is 4b hair. No curls. No waves. Not even any discernable coils. Balls.

(side eye) Uhhh I'm not seeing that. 4a hair is to tight. And it doesn't reflect light well if at all. Plus it's much harder to style unless you are doing a fro type thing. If youare doing a fro, its easy to style.

This is 4a hair. No curls. No waves. Some discernable coils.

This is 4b hair. No curls. No waves. Not even any discernable coils. Balls.


The first one looks more like a 4b/4a mix to me. The only curl pattern I see is in the back/nape.
my definition:
my hair, your hair, his hair, and her hair.

and, I've always thought this before hair boards.
I wasn't negating anything you said. The whole concept of "good hair" is subjective. I think my mother's opinion was reflective of "our community." Just because it doesn't match YOUR definition doesn't mean it isn't valid. There have been a variety of opinions expressed; none are exclusive.

Like I said, I've been told I had good hair with my hair in all manner of styles, both natural and relaxed. It had nothing to do with curl pattern/size. To me, it's manageability. My mom is over here laughing at me, asking me why am I arguing over "good hair." She told me my hair looks good and always has, nappy or not...lol so with that I'm gonna bounce. I see this thread going downhill.

That is what I said before. That it's a weird thread because if you say something reasonable it's like it's the wrong answer. When good hair is an opinion. Even the OP said, "well there are so many opinions." So yeah. YEAH!

I agree about the manageability as well.
I wasn't negating anything you said. The whole concept of "good hair" is subjective. I think my mother's opinion was reflective of "our community." Just because it doesn't match YOUR definition doesn't mean it isn't valid. There have been a variety of opinions expressed; none are exclusive.

Like I said, I've been told I had good hair with my hair in all manner of styles, both natural and relaxed. It had nothing to do with curl pattern/size. To me, it's manageability. My mom is over here laughing at me, asking me why am I arguing over "good hair." She told me my hair looks good and always has, nappy or not...lol so with that I'm gonna bounce. I see this thread going downhill.

LOL. Don't get upset chica. I dont see anyone arguing. Or being upset.

I never said you were negating. I'm not saying you are wrong. Just stating, like you, what I've seen and been told. I have done hair in the past and lived in a hair stylist environment because its been a family business all around me for years. I'm just expressing what I know.

I think thats the point. The idea of good hair was never subjective. I think now that people on hair boards are trying to remove the phrase from the community, they are intentionally making it subjective. And that's fine hey do what ya wanna. Shrugs.

Again I think you took that post to mean something it didn't. I'm just doing what you were doing. Expressing what I know. No arguments here. :grin:

To most I think it's hair curl/waves/coils/no coils more than anything. And that texture alone will define manageability more than anything. Clients who's texture was loosest, was always more manageable.
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