What is going on??


Well-Known Member
Okay so my hair seems to be growing at a nice pace. But then I noticed that the back of my hair is shorter than the front by about an inch or two. I keep my hair in extension twists quite often. Do you think it could be breakage because I wear the twists down often? Would it be the same as wearing your hair down its rubbing on my shirt in the back? Or could it be that my hair really just grows slower in the back?
It is the same as wearing your hair down. Extension braids/twists are not protective styles unless your hair is worn in updos where the ends of your own hair are tucked away as in a bun. All braid and twist singles are is low mani styles. Your ends are still exposed and will still rub against clothes and be worn away.
And your hair may grow slower in the back. Pay special attention to it for a month or two to determine the cause of the breakage.
When I lived in extensions, I retained so much. Now that you ladies have mentioned it, it may be because I rarely wear them down. They're always in an updo or messy bun.

Dont give up on the extensions, especially if they're working for you. Try to do more updos. I have a few pix in my Fotki, if you need ideas. I mainly draw my inspiration from loose updos and loc updo pix.
It is also possible that your hair grows differently in different sections. Even when I was relaxed, my hair has always grown faster in the front, then the crown and then the back. You do want to reduce any breakage but it is possible.

Now that I'm natural my hair is growing the same. Its 9" in the front, 8" in the center and 7" in the back.