What is going on?!


New Member
Hello Everyone,
I posted this thread on NaturallyCurly.com, but didn't get too many responses/tips. So I thought I would try you hair gurus!!!

I think I might be on the verge of a hair crisis. I don't know what's going on, but it seems that my hair is changing...for the worse in my opinion. I have a mixture of 3c/4aish hair (SL unstretched, BSL stretched) and the strands have always been fairly thick. However, while co-washing recently, I've noticed A LOT more shedding and that the lost strands were a lot thinner than normal, and lacking my normal elasticity. Can someone give me a clue as to what might be going on here? I'm still experimenting with my regimen and trying to find my HG products, however, this is what I've been doing recently:
- Co-wash 4-5 days a week
- Deep Treatment 1-2 times a week
- Boundless tresses applied to the scalp nightly

I also take the following vitamins/supplements:
- Prenatal vitamin
- MSM (just started taking these a few days ago) (1500mg)
- Vitamin C (1000mg)
- Biotin (300mg)
- Flax Oil (1000mg)
- Calcium/Magnesium

Could the shedding, thinning and lack of elasticity be due to the BT? I've heard that when you're not consistent with applying it or you've recently stopped/started, you're expected to experience excessive shedding...Or could it be the Flax Oil? I read a post a few days ago that said that taking this supplement may result in shedding as well? But I'm really concerned with the change in texture, thickness, and elasticity....Hopefully someone (or a few someones) will be able to help!!!! Thanks

P.S.- I haven't used heat in months, I don't use elastics/rubberbands or metals that would put stress and strain on my hair too often, and I am currently bunning/trying to use protective styling to see if there is any change.
Actually too much cowashing thinned my hair out and led to shedding. I tried this when I first joined the hair board. I had long thin limp strands that were coming out. It sounds like you need a protein treatment.
I like Motions CPR and Aphogee 2 min recovery for protein. You may need more hardcore protein but I would try something milder first. I would clarify, do a protein treatment, then follow up w/ a moisturizing dc.

Some people have also said that sulfur causes them to shed but I have never used it often enough to notice this. I hope some of the other ladies chime in.
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Try a protein treatment. (A mild one like ORS Replenishing Pak) and see if our hair feels a little better. If not, wait a week or two and do a harder protein like ApHogee followed up with a serious deep condition.

And instead of co-washing, make every other one just a water rinse and seal in your moisture with a leave in and coconut oil or something. Maybe limit the co-wash to twice a week and a poo wash (of you do that) once a week.

Good luck.
Have you started taking any new prescription meds? Sometimes if you go on or get off hormonal birth control, you will see changes in your hair's thickness, texture, shedding etc.
Have you started taking any new prescription meds? Sometimes if you go on or get off hormonal birth control, you will see changes in your hair's thickness, texture, shedding etc.

I actually was on the pill for a couple of years to treat endometriosis. However, I took a break from them 2-3 months ago. Would the hormonal changes still be exhibiting themselves?
I think you are manipulating your hair too much. Between all the co-washing and deep conditioning, when you are you giving your hair a break from being touched or being wet? I agree that a protein treatment would be good and just back off on all the wetting/co-washing/ manipulation. Hope that helps! :)
I actually was on the pill for a couple of years to treat endometriosis. However, I took a break from them 2-3 months ago. Would the hormonal changes still be exhibiting themselves?

It's possible, I guess it depends on the type and strength of the pill you were taking. When I experienced side effects from the pill, it took awhile for me to get back to normal after getting off them. I would check the manufacturers warning/side effects info (that can usually be found online) and also ask your doc or pharmacist to see if they have an idea. Also sometimes you can find message boards of other folks who may have taken the same meds and are experiencing similar symptoms.
IMHO, it can be overmoiturised hair. You can curb it with adding protein to your regimen and reduce cowash to once a week§
I agree. Sounds like conditioning OD. Try the protein, but also try cutting back the frequency of your CW's and DC's. IMO, you shouldn't DC more than 1x/wk and CW maybe 2 or 3.
I agree. Sounds like conditioning OD. Try the protein, but also try cutting back the frequency of your CW's and DC's. IMO, you shouldn't DC more than 1x/wk and CW maybe 2 or 3.

co-signing. After weeks of cw/dc several times during a week, my hair suffered. I am no longer cw/dc several times a week....this is just too much for my tresses.
I co sign with 1QTpie. Do water rinses instead of Co washes. I do water rinses ALL of the time with no shedding. Some of the cones in the condish might be a little bit much for your hair. Cones can seal your hair which is a good thing, but daily, I think it leads to the hair becoming dry and shedding.
I agree with the ladies, daily CW are not for everyone and less CW means less manipulation. I was doing this earlier this year and my hair started to shed like crazy. Now I just cut back on the CW's to like 1 or 2 times a week (or more if necessary). HTH:yep:
Actually too much cowashing thinned my hair out and led to shedding. I tried this when I first joined the hair board. I had long thin limp strands that were coming out. It sounds like you need a protein treatment.
I like Motions CPR and Aphogee 2 min recovery for protein. You may need more hardcore protein but I would try something milder first. I would clarify, do a protein treatment, then follow up w/ a moisturizing dc.

Some people have also said that sulfur causes them to shed but I have never used it often enough to notice this. I hope some of the other ladies chime in.

I cannot analyze the situation but I used ALTER EGO when I had what I thought was shedding..it really helped.
ITA with the other ladies... like you i have (what i'm assuming to be) a similar hair texture and when i co-washed frequently (everyday) my hair was dry AND mushy lol. Now i've tweaked it some, i still co-wash a lot but i add more protein! So my advice to use is to first try adding a mild protein treatment, and try a style that prevents you from co-washing as much.