What is God's plan/purpose for SEX?


Well-Known Member
I have come to realize that their is a HUGE misconception about the purpose of sex. There is so much ignorance out here, so many lies and so much deception. It has been so distorted from God's original purpose and plan. So I wanted to start a thread where you ladies can share what you have learned and what God has revealed to you about God's PURPOSE and PLAN for Sex. Please include biblical references in your response as I would like the responses to be grounded in God's Word. Thanks :)
I am planning on posting about the significance of the blood covenant and sex but its going to take me a few days to put it together....God has placed some things on my heart and I just want to be able to bring the scriptural foundation as well. I would love to hear you all insights on this aspect of sex as well.
Hi brownsugarflyygirl.

I was going to just say that God's purpose for sex is for husband and wife to 1) enjoy each other, 2) express love for each other on a level that can't be compared to any other relationship 3) to create life (children).

However, I read your second post mentioning 'the blood covenant' and you straight away got me thinking on a different level. As God intended (and I am in no way passing judgement here) a woman is meant to marry her husband as a virgin, and when she has sex with him for the first time she is meant to bleed when her hymen is broken. This indeed must be significant.

I will be very interested to read your findings.

(edited to correct a spelling mistake)
In the Bible, read the Old Testament book Song of Solomon

Here is a brief synopsis of it that is written in my Life Applications Bible. It's VERY helpful about what God intends for sex:

The Song of Solomon is a wedding song honoring marriage. The most explicit statements on sex in the Bible can be found in this book. It has often been criticized through centuries because of its sensuous language. The purity and sacredness of love represented here, however, are greatly needed in our day where distorted attitudes about love and marriage are commonplace. God created sex and intimacy, and it is holy and good when enjoyed within the bounds of marriage. A husband and wife honor God when they love and enjoy each other.


Sex is God’s gift to his creatures. He endorses sex, but restricts its expression to those committed to each other in marriage.
God wants sex to be motivated by love and commitment, not lust. It is for mutual pleasure, not selfish enjoyment.

As the relationship developed, the beauty and wonder of a romance unfolded between Solomon and his bride. The intense power of love affected the hearts, minds, and bodies of the two lovers.
Because love is such a powerful expression of feeling and commitment between two people, it is not to be regarded casually. We are not to manipulate others into loving us, and love should not be prematurely encouraged in a relationship


The power of love requires more than the language of feeling to protect it. Sexual expression is such an integral part of our selfhood that we need the boundary of marriage to safeguard our love. Marriage is the celebration of daily commitment to each other.
While romance keeps a marriage interesting, commitment keeps romance from dwindling away. The decision to commit yourself to your spouse alone begins at the marriage altar. It must be maintained day by day.


The two lovers praise the beauty they see in each other. The language they use shows the spontaneity and mystery of love. Our praise should not be limited to physical beauty; beautiful personality and moral purity should also be praised.
Our love for our spouse makes him or her appear beautiful. It is the inner qualities that keep love alive. Don’t just look for physical attractiveness in a spouse. Look for the qualities that don’t fade with time—spiritual commitment, integrity, sensitivity, and sincerity.

Over time, feelings of loneliness, indifference, and isolation came between Solomon and his bride. During those times, love grew cold and barriers were raised.
Through careful communication, lovers can be reconciled, commitment can be renewed and romance refreshed. Don’t let walls come between you and your partner. Take care of problems while they are still small.

Taken from Life Application Study Bible – King James Version, Tyndale House Publishers, Inc. Wheaton, Illinois

Here are some Bible Scriptures about the topic of Sex in general:

Sex created by God – Leviticus 15:18
We must have high regard for sex – Leviticus 15:32-33
Sexual relationships in marriage – Proverbs 5:18-20
Background on Paul’s teaching to the Corinthians about it – 1 Corinthians 7:1-11
Dealing with sexual pressure – 1 Corinthians 7:9
Sexual desires must be placed under God’s control – 1 Thessalonians 4:1-8
Why sex must be limited to marriage – 1Thessalonians 4:1-8 & Deuteronomy 23:17-18

Men & women should not reverse sexual roles – Deuteronomy 22:5
Why scripture forbids homosexuality – Romans 1:26-27; 1Timothy 1:10; Leviticus 18:6-27

SEXUAL SIN (sex outside of marriage)
Consequences of sexual sin often devastating – Genesis 34:27-29
Resisting sexual sin – Genesis 39:9
Why it is so dangerous – Leviticus 20:10-21
Why did God include so many laws about sexual sin? – Deuteronomy 22:13-30
How to combat temptation of sexual sin – Judges 16:15
Relationship between pride and sexual sin – Proverbs 2:16-17
Why does Proverbs include so many warnings about sexual sin? – Proverbs 5:3
Sexual sin always hurts someone – Proverbs 6:25-35; Romans 1:26-27; 1 Corinthians 6:18; 1Thessalonians 4:1-8
Ways to avoid sexual sin – Proverbs 7:25
Committing mental adultery and how lust is harmful – Matthew 5:27-28
Why God forbids sexual sin 1 Corinthians 6:13 & Revelations 2:20
Why it is not freedom but enslavement – 1 Corinthians 6:19-20
Why sexual temptations are difficult to withstand – 1 Corinthians 7:3-5

What is lust? – Numbers 11:34
How to combat lust – Judges 16:15
Difference between love & lust – 2 Samuel 13:14-15; 1 Corinthians 14:4-7;
Solomon’s lust – 1 Kings 11:3
How lust is harmful - Matthew 5:27-28 & Romans 13:12-14
Lust blinds one’s spiritual vision – Luke 11:22-26
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I also wanted to mentioned how sad it is to hear what children (under 10 years old) think about sex. I teach children for Sunday School and a lot of them have this idea that you have to be of a certain age to have sex. This is a HUGE misconception. I told them that if you are 40 years old, unmarried, having sex, then you are wrong and committing a sin. Then they would ask "What about if you are 16, 17, or 18?" I told them having sex unmarried at any age is still wrong. The only way it will be right is if you're married. ;)
i hear a lot of people say that God's main purpose for sex was to procreate. What if a wife and husband don't want kids. Should they stop having sex then?