What is Cholesterol?


New Member
What is Cholesterol? I just bought the Lustrasilk everyone is raving about (with Mango and Shea) and it is wonderful. One ingredient listed is Cholesterol I have no idea of what that is. Can anyone help.
how does this smell? i was thinking about purchasing but i've heard cholesterol can smell awful.

Well, that depends on the brand, and what (if anything) is mixed with it. Scent is a bit subjective, so you probably just need to try a few to see which one you like the best.
how does this smell? i was thinking about purchasing but i've heard cholesterol can smell awful.

It smells wonderful! Just imagine a light Mango scent with a kind of really light cocoa butter smell. Tropical but not overwhelming. It is really nice. Once it is on, I can not smell it at all.
It's a sterol, or prefat steroid found in the most body tissues of animals and humans. It's the thing that builds up in your arteries and causes heart attacks. Not so good in high quantities inside the body, but great for the hair.:lachen:

ETA: here's a couple of links



Ok so let me get this right, it is an animal product--YUCK! But I think I like it anyway.
Whatever it is it's lovely. Smells great and has my hair feel great too! I went to the salon for a steam today and they popped that stuff on then placed me under the steamer. My hair soft, strong and smells amazing. Think il have to get me some for home use!!
Most of the time when Cholesterol is used in beauty products it comes from the Lanolin which comes from sheep.
I think I am going to stop using cholesterol. I felt guilty when I bought it because it's an animal product - I am not vegan but there are certain things I don't feel right using animal products for. I also don't like the amount of junk in them. :ohwell:
Most of the time when Cholesterol is used in beauty products it comes from the Lanolin which comes from sheep.
I thought I remembered reading something not so great about lanolin. How can we find out if the product is from dead animals or not?
I thought I remembered reading something not so great about lanolin. How can we find out if the product is from dead animals or not?

I think HoneyD, and Mini are both correct. Some companies are more green, and nature friendly when harvesting the lanolin that cholesterol is taken from. You can do further research of a particular company that you are interested in if you want to be more thorough.