What is a husband for? Spinoff of :the gift of singleness.


Well-Known Member
I really want to ask people what do they think a husband is for? I was reading the responses in the "Gift of singleness" and it made me want to ask these questions...

why do we want a husband?
What do we think a husband is suppose to be?
Who are we suppose to be to our husbands?

My pastor once told me, you have to be everything you want your husband to be. Some want a man that fasts and pray and seeks God, but they dont even do that themselves. We want someone who has a stable career and has a vision for himself, when some dont even have that for themselves.This is the CHRISTIAN forum, so we need to keep our mindsets and ideas lined up according to the word of God. Sure we are able to express how we feel, but can we keep it biblical?

The bible says that a wife is suppose to submit to her husbands, but some cant even submit to their leadership at thier church or their bosses at their job and have this "nobody aint gone tell me nothing" atttitude...:ohwell: Well how are we going to submit to our husbands with that mentality.
Im not talking about the carnal, fleshy mindsets about marriage but the biblical bible based ones.Yes we will have sex with our husbands and go out to eat and have fun..and thats great.But im going to need more. I want my husband to "wash me with the word", someone who is going to pray for me when I get weak, someone who will sit me down and teach me the word of God. Someone who will correct me when Im wrong and NOT love me soooo much that he wont rebuke me. Someone who will say Baby, lets go on fast so God can make us stronger..not some rascal that never want to turn his plate down and watch Tv All day.No sir! Im not holding out and waiting on God for some carnal, fleshy man...I want someone who will be able to go in his prayer closet and allow God to change him and he dont feel like he got to be in my face all the time...Someone that loves God waaayy more than me. Someone who is going to LEAD me and the household spiritually, by the word of God, not by his emotions or the influences of other people.But i know that if I ask for all these things I have to be all these things as well..So thats a few of my thoughts.....:yep: