What in the h-e-double hockey sticks is in JBCO!?

Bint Yusef

New Member
:eek: This is how I looked when I woke up. My DH asked me was I alright after I looked in the mirror after taking off my baggy from last nite. I told him I dont know yet...:eek::confused:

I finally got my JBCO in the mail and used it for the first time. After searching thru the many JBCO threads on how everyone uses it, I decided I would slather it on my hair and ends with my nightly baggy. A lady posted about how it didnt seem so sticky and she woke up with hair soft as butter...so I decided I would follow her method:lol:

I washed my hair yesterday, deep condition with a mix of keraphix and humecto. Sprayed my Elasta QP on damp hair, then proceeded to libearly slather my hair with JBCO and put a heavy concentration on my ends. I pinned my hair, put on my bag and went on my merry way to bed.

First sign was my head immediately started itching like nuts. All over, but in places I was especially heavy handed with ( my edges and this thin area at the crown) the application.

But anyways ladies I woke to a bush of hair this morning. My texture looks crazy and different and my roots are puffy as all hell. My hair is pretty thin and since phytoing last month my shrinkage was significantly reduced. Why are my roots so bushy that my hair is half is current length!! Its shrunk up to my ears when normally it lays flat against my shoulders. I know its supposed to thicken up your hair, but its no way it could have done this overnight with one application. :confused: My head is still itching like crazy too.
What in the heck happened?

As you can see in the before pics( unmanipulated texture freshly out of a nightly baggy) my hair pretty much has some lay to it, and my roots arent thick. My scalp is easily acessible.

After, no lay at all hair everywhere. Roots have thicken and you cannot see the scalp as easily with a part. Nothing in my routine changed except using the JBCO. I am thinking maybe I have a bad batch or something.


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Wow, your hair looks waaaay thicker!!!! Not sure what the heck it did to you, but KUDOS!!!!! :grin:

I cant do the JBCO undiluted tho. That jont is waaaay to thick and sticky for me. :eek: My strands are so fine and delicate that im afraid strands would stick to my hands and be pulled out while working it in. At the most, i can drizzle it lightly all over.

I pretty much add it to my DC or ORS Olive Oil moisturizer.
Nice & Wavy said:
Wow...did it tangle or did it just get thicker?
No tangles. Its very soft feeling and its way thicker, its a tad thicker then may hair was before the phyto which was on april 15th. Somehow I feels like it reverted the phyto, and I cant pull my hair back like I could yesterday without a massive poof...similar to how ones hair would be if they needed touchup. I am thinking of washing my hair again today and wondering will the effect go away, I mean this has to be temporary, no way a product can do that overnight.
KiniKakes said:
Wow, your hair looks waaaay thicker!!!! Not sure what the heck it did to you, but KUDOS!!!!! :grin:

I cant do the JBCO undiluted tho. That jont is waaaay to thick and sticky for me. :eek: My strands are so fine and delicate that im afraid strands would stick to my hands and be pulled out while working it in. At the most, i can drizzle it lightly all over.

I pretty much add it to my DC or ORS Olive Oil moisturizer.

Yeah it felt sticky last nite but this morning it just feels greasy not nearly as sticky, of course I used way too much. :lol:
I wet my hair before I use my JBCO(wether on freshly washed hair or just water sprayed hair). I typically just use mine on my hair edges. I dab some around my edges and then just tie up with scarf before bed. The next morning My edges are laying down neatly. I don't use gobs of it.. just dabs. To me a little always seems to go a long way. But from your picts.. WOW:)that thickness is booming! If you don't like the way it made your hair look/feel ... maybe u just used too much.

***now I am contemplating to over use mine for thickness:lol: ***
Definitely thicker but not sure if that is the effect you were going for. Maybe using too much did something to your hair. I would probably wash tonight if it was me and it was bothering me.
Blackoutzangel05 said:
Definitely thicker but not sure if that is the effect you were going for. Maybe using too much did something to your hair. I would probably wash tonight if it was me and it was bothering me.
I did end up washing my hair, and have no idea what happened. Its as if JBCO reverted my phyto texlax(done on april 15th) because my hair is basically the same as it was before I used the phyto, but much thicker. Heavy shrinkage and less definition in the crown.
I see this was posted a few years ago. I wonder how your hair progressed after using the JBCO. Was it for the better or the worse? The thickness sounds magical but also a bit overwhelming. I am just trying to get an idea of how JBCO has been for different folks so I can see if it will do me some good.
Hey, not sure if you're interested, but my boys had EXCELLENT progress with JBCO! I can share their progress pics if you'd like.
lol @njoy....that's my hairstyle I'll be doing when I make my bra strap goal..maybe more like waist length...lol
I'd like to know the answer to this question too. What's exactly in JBCO that makes it so special. I know there's some type of ash in it, but what is it supposed to do for the hair and how?

I'm thinking about ordering a bottle of JBCO and comparing it to regular castor oil.