What have you been studying on in the word of God?


Well-Known Member
I've been reading on unbelief and how the Children of Isreal provoked God to anger with unbelief.(Deutrononmy) How He continously made provisions and promises to them, but they refused to believe.It made me not want to complain and murmur anymore :nono:.It encouraged me to believe God even the more and to always remember my testimonies...

I believe I want to begin to study on self denial/conversion...

What about you? What have you been reading on
This past summer I was studying about the Holy Spirit. Scriptures that I read before on the Holy Spirit, just seemed so clear, like I was reading it for the first time. I'm talking specifically about John 16. Currently, I'm studying about faith, prayer and fasting. On fasting, I've been studying about the different reasons why individuals in the bible fasted (People in the bible like Ezra, Nehemiah, Cornelius, etc).*:yep:
God's love.:yep:

Nothing more I needed this year than to ponder and meditate on God's Word about His love for mankind.

It made me want to love mankind even more than ever before. He's teaching me about unconditional love.:rosebud:

I read about it, sang about it, talked about it, preached about it....but now that I have experienced unconditional love like I've never have before....I'm more in love with God now than ever before!

As this year is ending and a new year is upon me, I am looking forward to what else the Lord wants to teach me about His attributes so that I may apply it to my life and share it with everyone that comes into contact with me!
Er, the whole thing?

I am reading it (NASB) to my children, showing how everything points to Jesus' purpose, His teachings, and how people handle things from His Father.

I am nearly finished reading the Tanahk (the Hebrew Bible) from the Jewish Publication Society. It reads a bit differently from Christian Bibles; some parts are downright hilarious.

Every time I read the OT, I pick up more of what Christ taught. I should start recording them.