What has God been saying to you lately?


Well-Known Member
I know that God is always talking to us, whether we are actively listening or not.

Lately, he has been telling me to keep my eyes on Jerusalem. He has been telling me to stay alert and he has been having me to pray for my family and friends a lot more than usual. It seems like something big could be happening soon. I'm not a doomsdayer or anything but if I get to be in the generation that is alive when Jesus returns. . .:grin: that would be awesome.

What is he saying to you?
God has been moving me study the word like never before and to pray, pray, pray. He has moved me to pray for friends, family, strangers, EVERYBODY. He has been waking me up to pray and people have been calling/contacting me to pray for them. I feel so honored that God would work through me in this way. When I pray for others it helps me too. I feel blessed and so very, very loved.
God has been telling me to let go of the situation and let him handle it. He has also been telling me to study his word more because I don't spend enough time studying like I should.
God has been leading me to be in heavy prayer for all saints; those in other places in severe persecution that they will have comfort and strength and for the saints here that we will be prepared with fortitude and the full armor of God to stand in the evil day. I have also been in prayer for the youth of America... They have things trying to pervert them from every angle. I am also on a personal challenge to read the whole Bible over again in less than a year. Need to know the Word in the day of strong delusion...

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God has been leading me to be in heavy prayer for all saints; those in other places in severe persecution that they will have comfort and strength and for the saints here that we will be prepared with fortitude and the full armor of God to stand in the evil day. I have also been in prayer for the youth of America... They have things trying to pervert them from every angle. I am also on a personal challenge to read the whole Bible over again in less than a year. Need to know the Word in the day of strong delusion...

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Yes! This generation of kids is THE dealbreaker. All generations have had some level of perversion but this generation is being taught that everything is fine as long as it makes you happy. . .period! That is a lie straight from the pits of hell.

God has been telling me to let go of the situation and let him handle it. He has also been telling me to study his word more because I don't spend enough time studying like I should.

I'm there with you. I'm learning to let go. . .having trouble leaving it there without going back to pick it up though. . .I'll pray for you along with me in that area.
Christans, how ready will you be if Jesus returns in our lifetime? Have you fulling submitted to him as your Lord and Savior?
The Lord has been saying to me "Render your heart and not your garments!" He has totally changed my heart this year...it's been amazing! Not that I walked away from Him or anything, but that He wants more of me and from me as a Christ Follower!

Before the beginning of this year, the Lord spoke to me and told me to fast and purge myself from things that is not like Him. This has not been easy, but I have been obedient and I am seeing further spiritually, more than I ever have in these last 25 years of serving Him. My vision and purpose is clear!
The Lord has been saying to me "Render your heart and not your garments!" He has totally changed my heart this year...it's been amazing! Not that I walked away from Him or anything, but that He wants more of me and from me as a Christ Follower!

Before the beginning of this year, the Lord spoke to me and told me to fast and purge myself from things that is not like Him. This has not been easy, but I have been obedient and I am seeing further spiritually, more than I ever have in these last 25 years of serving Him. My vision and purpose is clear!

I am a babe in Christ in comparison to you but its time for the true church, the called out ones, to rise and get untangled from the world. God has been purging me as well. Painful process, many tears shed, but I have grown to a place where I am so wrapped up in Him I barely recognize "me". I have a long way to go, but tears and all I'm grateful for where he brought me from.

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That I am his beloved child and nothing can separate the two. If I hear another Jesus loves me theme anything I will pull my wig.
While seeking God about what church to settle down in God said to me, "I will meet you wherever you go."

That is so profound! I use to church hop, I prayed and begged God to settle me somewhere. We get so caught up in trying to find a church that fits us and our personality, but we forget sometimes that we are going to church to seek God and indeed, he meets us where we are.

Wow! I might have to turn that into a facebook status. lol
HCMN...why are you calling me out like that.. lol

God has definitely been dealing with me lately to seek out any idols hidden in my tent.. the things I think are "no big deal" could be blessing blockers. I know as Children of God we already have the Holy Spirit... it's my lifelong mission to be Spirit-guided.
HCMN...why are you calling me out like that.. lol

God has definitely been dealing with me lately to seek out any idols hidden in my tent.. the things I think are "no big deal" could be blessing blockers. I know as Children of God we already have the Holy Spirit... it's my lifelong mission to be Spirit-guided.

He has been bringing my idols to my attention too.. It's so easy to build up idols without even realizing it. those things we look to when we should be looking too God. I may be way off, but I think that is why God kept his people on the move in the OT. They were constantly having to dig wells and rebuild a new alter unto the Lord. It seems like he was protecting the people from getting to attached to things, which could easily turn into idol worship.
He has been bringing my idols to my attention too.. It's so easy to build up idols without even realizing it. those things we look to when we should be looking too God. I may be way off, but I think that is why God kept his people on the move in the OT. They were constantly having to dig wells and rebuild a new alter unto the Lord. It seems like he was protecting the people from getting to attached to things, which could easily turn into idol worship.

Lol, God....hmmm, After I hit send, this it's for me.
To be myself. As I sit out on this jouney of starting a ministry, creating a presents online and writing a book God has told me that he doesn't need another Michelle McKinney, other Joyce Meyers or Paula White He needs GodsPromises as I have something to bring that no one else can bring.
'nuff said.. Amein!

He has been bringing my idols to my attention too.. It's so easy to build up idols without even realizing it. those things we look to when we should be looking too God. I may be way off, but I think that is why God kept his people on the move in the OT. They were constantly having to dig wells and rebuild a new alter unto the Lord. It seems like he was protecting the people from getting to attached to things, which could easily turn into idol worship.
The veil is lifting for me, I'm seeing things that I've never seen before. I'm praying like never before. Regardless of the fact that it "feels" like we are near the end, we just don't know, and it could be that we are "feeling" the presence of heaven because the veil is up for us to know and to prepare.
That He made me unique and that it's ok ...not to sweat it nor opposition...I'm His creation and that vision He's given me is of Him - that He will bring it to fruition. That He loves us all but that there is no sunshine without rain and no joy without pain for they work together. That I should let go of mistrust and fear for He is with me. That I should be still and He will work out all things. But that I must work hard for what I can work for. Mostly, to see "chai." His blue and white is for a reason...His star...His candelabra...and that it's beautiful, was meant to be and that it's mine for a reason. To hold on
I know that God is always talking to us, whether we are actively listening or not.

Lately, he has been telling me to keep my eyes on Jerusalem. He has been telling me to stay alert and he has been having me to pray for my family and friends a lot more than usual. It seems like something big could be happening soon. I'm not a doomsdayer or anything but if I get to be in the generation that is alive when Jesus returns. . .:grin: that would be awesome.

What is he saying to you?
It's interesting that you say this because my husband has had this sense for a while. He would have been the first Messianic believer I knew and he crossed my path just when I was questioning how mainstream churches teach the W-rd of G-d. Many many months have past and we have withdrawn from the mainstream and are connected with a group in our country. The only issue is that we don't have continuous contact or transport abilities at this time. Today we were both questioning (at separate times) about fellowship and the main reason we don't go to a local church is because my husband has resigned to allowing anything outside of the MJ teachings to filter through his mind. I find this hard because I would like to fellowship but also see him happy. He sighs and moans openly in the services and this isn't great but that's how he is when he doesn't like/approve of something. I've talked to him about seeing good in all things but this is a mental block for him. I am not as 'advanced' as he is so I'm still open to learning and probably a younger Christian in many ways. I would be dealing with quite a hefty spiritual load from work (Psychiatry) therefore I know I need more support.
I know that Yeshua (Jesus) wants me closer to Him however for sometime my husband was getting quite legalistic. He has calmed down tremendously and the Holy Spirit showed him that his walk was not Spiritual but Legalistic for a time. So, where does that leave me...I want to have a closer and stronger relationship with Jesus. I want to not have all these signs telling me that this and that is wrong when I know the Holy Spirit would show me in advance. I also want to pray for my husband and his own walk. Thank you.