What has co-washing done for your hair?


Well-Known Member
Don't know if this question has been ask already on this forum, but what has co-washing done to your hair. What benefits did you get while doing this method?
Moisture, retention, and quick, easy styling (daily wet bunning).

I found that the key is the right conditioners. Tresemme Vitamin E conditioner made my hair dry and fly-away like straw. The Organix line made my hair tangle and shed in small, knotted clumps and taught me that I'm sensitive to heavy proteins like wheat and egg.

I can see why some people think cowashing is too drying and not for them, but my guess is some of them just have not found the right conditioners for their hair. Cowashing daily with the right moisturizing condishes (V05 Moisture Milks, TJ Nourish, HH Color Me Happy) has really helped improve my hair's overall condition.
for me, it makes stretching really easy, keeps my hair moisturized and very soft and makes it really easy for me to look "neat" without using heat (by either wet bunning, wearing ponys, buns or half-wigs).....
more curl definition, softer, scalp less dry but i find products dont work as well on 2 week co-washed hair so now I'm in the habit of shampooing every other week.
Moisture, retention, and quick, easy styling (daily wet bunning).

I found that the key is the right conditioners. Tresemme Vitamin E conditioner made my hair dry and fly-away like straw. The Organix line made my hair tangle and shed in small, knotted clumps and taught me that I'm sensitive to heavy proteins like wheat and egg.

I can see why some people think cowashing is too drying and not for them, but my guess is some of them just have not found the right conditioners for their hair. Cowashing daily with the right moisturizing condishes (V05 Moisture Milks, TJ Nourish, HH Color Me Happy) has really helped improve my hair's overall condition.

Me too!!!!

I am super sentive to heavy proteins too. I thought it was my imagination. Each time I try to use an old staple which was Hair Mayonaise my hair shed like crazy in small knotted clumps too.:sad: