what happens when it's all over........


Well-Known Member
iv been doing some thinking. my mom was looking over my shoulder like she always does and she asks me, "what happens after your year runs up?" i say "pay another 6.50" then she said, "what happens when your done?" and i said, "done with what?" i was highly confused and she said "doing all the things you do with your hair?"
then it dawned on me. what happens when we find the perfect regimen for ourselves or/and our kids? what happens when we get to our goal length? do we keep it growing or chop it all off and start again? what happens when its all over?
i guess personally ill try to pass down my knowledge to my kids hair but what about you guys? move on to something else to obsess over? can you really stop a HHJ after youve learned so much?
Well I reached my goal length relaxed ...then I cut it into a pixie ...enjoyed that for like 3 months and then I big chopped 3 months after that and now I'm trying to get to my goal length natural ... and when I get to that ....I don't think I will get to that anytime soon so... scratch that
chop it off and start all over?? i cant belive you asked that lol lol.

you stay at your length and maintain the lovely hair, and you stay on this board to help others acheive it!!!!!!!!

when im all done growing ill still be here cutting up......lol lol lol
It's never over.
When I find the "perfect" everything I'm just going to run with. I would never cut it all off and start over, but I would start to trim to maintain my length once it gets as long as I can handle.
When that time comes and I feel that I have reached all of my goals and am successfully maintaining them my frequency of visiting the site may decrease but I doubt that i'd ever walk away completely. I've always enjoyed learning new things and this site has always had a wealth of information for those interested in learning. Times change, techniques and products change as well. If nothing else I will always come back for the product and vendor reviews and to encourage those who are starting their journey or struggling with the process. For me...it's not simply about my journey but about fostering a sense of community with a group of like minded individuals. I hope that there are others that feel the same.
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wow it's funny you bring this up. i was just stalking a members fotki and she mentions this subject.
she says her hair journey is over; so she says now she will focus on learning how to play the harp.

i have no idea what i will do once i reach my hair goal length. but i wont be cutting it off; cause i wanna die with long natural hair!:grin:
I will go into maintenance mode & helps others as much as I can. I can't see myself not being on this site because there's so many areas to explore.
Once I reach my goal length, I will no longer focus on growing my hair but maintaining my length. I know that I will be a member of LHCF for a while, simply because there is no place like it on the web that caters to black women. Here I can find out about beauty trends, get health/fitness tips, celebrity gossip,relationship advice, and discuss any and everything imaginable under the sun that relates to black women. I truly feel like being a member of LHCF, I am friends with the coolest, most stylish black women, with long swanging hair (whether it be relaxed or natural) and I love it.
I agree with Winnettag, "It's NEVER over"...My thought process might change from growth to maintenance, but I will never be done with my HHG journey-This is a LIFESTYLE for me!
Well for me, I came here to learn how to grow my relaxed hair long. Done. I was able to grow my relaxed hair to BSL. THe longest my hair has ever been.
3 years ago I had my last relaxer and I am now fully natural. My current goal is to grow my natural hair to BSL or longer. As for hair I think I will keep it at that lenght. But who knows.
But that will definitely not be the end for me with LHCF. I have learned and keep learning so much from the ladies on this site. the hair was just a beginning. I came for the hair and stayed because of the wise women here. I think I have learned things concerning every aspect of life...
As far as I am concerned there is always new things to learn.
I plan to maintain, but I honestly know that I won't be posting on LHCF forever. In a year and a half, I'll start practicing as an attorney and I *hope* that I won't have time to post, even though I will likely remain a member......

I'll continue to share what I've learned. I have a lot of other goals that I want to accomplish that have nothing to do with hair.
I think I will probably remain a member on the board for a long time. I feel that there were some ladies who have helped me out so much and I would love to do that for the newbies of the future. Theres always more to learn too.
My goal is to grow my all natural to WL. I'm gonna maintain it for as long as I can and then chop down to a twa and play around with dye(I'm determined to go blonde at LEAST once before I leave this earth lol).
iv been doing some thinking. my mom was looking over my shoulder like she always does and she asks me, "what happens after your year runs up?" i say "pay another 6.50" then she said, "what happens when your done?" and i said, "done with what?" i was highly confused and she said "doing all the things you do with your hair?"
then it dawned on me. what happens when we find the perfect regimen for ourselves or/and our kids? what happens when we get to our goal length? do we keep it growing or chop it all off and start again? what happens when its all over?
i guess personally ill try to pass down my knowledge to my kids hair but what about you guys? move on to something else to obsess over? can you really stop a HHJ after youve learned so much?

i guess you would start doing monthly 1 inch trims or however much growth you get per month.

cut it off and start all over... um no.
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What happens for me is that I maintain my hair :look:. I will cut it back to my goal every few months as needed. I won't be chopping back to TWA or below APL any time soon if I can help it.

There are plenty of people here who don't really frequent the hair forum and go to other parts of it. I go through phases with this particular section of the board - some months I'm on here often and other times I simply don't bother. Overall though, I spend more time out of the hair board.
I probably go back in lurk mode but there is always something to learn e.g. Products, methods, vendors so I guess I'm here for life. :)
I guess I can stay on this forum and give people advice and encouragement
I can go into the Off Topic Forum and post on those crazy random threads
Once I get to LongHairDon'tCare's WL natural hair status I will proudly put in my siggy "maintenence mode" trim a little every month to maintain and just give advice....I'll prolly be on here till I reach my goal maybe a little after that....and that'll be it for me:yep:
Cut it off and start again - FALSE! I am too much of a PJ to stay off of this site. I agree with the others - I would want to stay, give advice, learn new techniques.
IT WILL NEVER BE OOOOOVER!!! Soory for yelling! lol
This has been a learning journey and unless the site just goes down I dont ever see not paying the six fifty. For the amount of info that I find and learn on here, its worth six fifty and more every month! Its like just when I "think" I know everything there is to know about hair and health.. I learn something new on here. Like diatomaceous earth. As many books as I have read over the years, until I read about it on LHCF I never heard of the stuff and now I can't live w/out it!! And just when I thought my reggie couldn't get any better, then I learn on here about Roux Porosity Control that now I can't do without it!

I LUV LHCF!!!:kissing4:
i dunno. i probably will just visit the other forums if i renew. i can always visit this site in the future if i need help with hair, but the hair forum is free. the thing keeping me here are the friendships i've made with people. this is like my myspace/DL now. so who knows. ♥
Yeah, it's NEVER really over! Knowledge is Power and if you're a Lifelong Learner, there will always be something scientifically new & fascinating that we are finding out about the Science of Hair. :yep:

Not to mention the need to 'give back' some of that knowledge to Newbies that are struggling with various issues.:yep:

There will always be: New Products. New Techniques. New Issues. New Goals.

IMO: It's never Over....:yep:
I learned most of what I needed to know about 3-4 years ago, and during that time I wasn't doing much to my hair, so I let my subscription lapse for a while. Then, I had a renewed interest in my HHJ, so I got another subscription so I could see what "new" techniques for dealing with transitioning and natural hair were out there. I don't think my hair hobby/interest will ever go away. When I reach my goal length, I will still enjoy visiting the boards and watching vids. There is always something new to learn, plus I have a toddler daughter. So there will be MANY YEARS before she's able to perfect her own regimen! In the meantime, I'll be checking the 'Net for whatever I can regarding hair care.

I consider myself a life-long learner, and I literally learn something new each day. The same goes for the trials of hair!