What happens if you relax too soon after a shampoo?


New Member
I see it is written on the box that you should not relax hair that has been shampooed within the past 2-3 days. Why is that? What will happen if you relax too soon after a wash?
The recommended time between these two is 3 days. Relaxing too soon after a shampoo could end up with a burned scalp especially if you aggravated it while shampooing and ultimately under-processed hair unless of course that's the look you're going for.
The scalp. I have washed my hair the day before I relaxed it and I had scabs all over my scalp. I would at least wait a week before relaxing hair if you've shampooed
The devil will tap dance all over your scalp if you relax too early (read: your scalp will burn and leave chemical burns). I've been there and will not do that again.
It burns like the 10th degree of hell. Your scalp will not be happy (beet red and burns) and your hair may not survive. (Speaking from experience.)
i have relaxed within 1 day of washing my hair with no problem...I wasn't planning on though and would have never done that...I stretched my relaxer for too long and thought i could go another week if i just washed and rollerset it...my roots were way too puffy and i just wasn't feeling it so i went to the salon the next day to get a touch-up...It didn't burn at all, but it may be because I use Mild
I got the worst burn. My hair stuck to my scalp because it was stuck into some of the scabs and you have to wait a week for before you can even thinking odf combing your hair. Try to wait atleast 4 days. and put a lot of stuff on your scalp like oil every night and then base ur scalp on relaxer day
This relaxer I washed on Sat. and then relaxed on Monday and I used a Super. I got no chemical burns are underprocessed parts.
In my opinion (no disrespect to anyone, I promise!), women who do NOT burn when applying the relaxer 1 day after washing are the rarity. I think the directions are for what happens to the majority of women.

Most people burn like the dickens and have scabs and weepy scalps and end up having to do more work to correct a bad relaxer than those who simply wait the recommended time. I relaxed the day after washing for the first time in my life just this past Feb 11th: I burned, I was under-processed (though I was okay with that), I created more work for myself, and I ended up having to correct some mild breakage issues as a result.

If your scalp is not sensitive, 2-3 days might be just fine.

I have a sensitive scalp, and 4 days with lots of tender preparation is always best for me. For me, 3 is too soon and by day 5, my scalp is no longer clean enough. For some reason, day 4 is the magic number for MY head.

I hope you find what works for you.

When I self-relaxed I always waited 2-3 days after washing to be on the safe side -- I have a sensitive scalp and burn easily. Basing your scalp will definitely help protect it. When my hairdresser applies my relaxer I don't burn because she makes sure the product does not come in contact with my scalp. Hope this helps.