What happened to the search tool?


Active Member
Wasn't the search tool in the upper right corner?? Sorry if I'm losing it, I haven't had much sleep, lol!! But I don't see it. Has it been moved?
I think it was removed from that place to encourage subscription. Over there, it was accessible to anyone visiting the site. The "search" option between "new posts" and "quick links" only appears for members who are subscribed. Just my guess :perplexed
If you click "blogs" at the top and then "search blogs", you should be able to search. It is not the same though. I hope they bring back the google search.
I prefer the LHCF Search tool, the one on the menu above. The Google Search one took you all over the place instead of searching just within this forum. I remember it. I don't miss it.
I prefer the LHCF Search tool, the one on the menu above. The Google Search one took you all over the place instead of searching just within this forum. I remember it. I don't miss it.

You know I never had that experience? I would type something into that bar like 'hairveda' and it would pull up everything hairveda related within the forum, and if I wanted to specificy I would type 'hairveda + shikakai' and boom...exactly what I wanted.

Plus it would search for stuff that wasn't in the hair forum to make stuff easier for me like 'Maca' and 'eyelashes' in the body and beauty forum.

...is there anything we can do to get the google back? I don't mean to be a pain but I've tested the other one a couple of times and it's so...inefficient. :nono:
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You know I never had that experience? I would type something into that bar like 'hairveda' and it would pull up everything hairveda related within the forum, and if I wanted to specificy I would type 'hairveda + shikakai' and boom...exactly what I wanted.

Y'all aren't giving it a chance. I find it narrows it down for me to exactly what I want:





Plus it would search for stuff that wasn't in the hair forum to make stuff easier for me like 'Maca' and 'eyelashes'.

Threads about Maca

Google would give me fewer results here and then send me outside the forum the same way Google.com would. As you can see from the above finds, I get only LHCF threads.
as a non-subscribing 'member' (issues with paypal, dont ask) i found the google search function pretty good. not once did i get directed to a site off the forum, nor did i ever change the parameters of the search - i just always got what i asked for.
since that was removed (i was offline and noticed last night) i was 'forced' to sort out my issues with paypal and i am so happy to be a 'paid-up' member. would probably have never gone to all the trouble if that search function thingy hadn't disappeared though :)
It's still there for me. Right in between "New Posts" and "Quick Links".

it isn't the same, results aren't as good, everything but what i ask for comes up, sometimes the word im searching for would be buried within posts within the thread, as oppose to being in the title of the thread. The other search bar is so on point!! grrr :perplexed what happened?
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Thanks so much everyone for responding. At first I was like, "What?? No I KNOW it was there!!??" Lol!! I agree with most of you. I like the google search tool soooo much better. For me, the other one searches for each word (if that makes sense), whereas the google search tool searches for the words in sequence. To me, the google one has a better filter. I sure hope it comes back.
i preferred the other search as well.. BUT what i have been doing and it seems to have better result is doing an actual google search. whatever i may be searching for, i type in longhaircareforum in the search as well and i get far better results than the search next to quicklinks. yes, it is a little more typing but since i have a google search box on my safari browser toolbar its not toooooo much more effort. hth