What happened to Pinkskates and her site?


Well-Known Member
I was a member on her website. Two months ago she refunded my membership fee and now her site is kaput. What's going on?
Don't quote me on this, but I think someone mentioned that her site was purchased by a company or someone.
Yup my membership was cut off and she stopped charging me even though I didn't cancel. I thought I did something wrong :perplexed.
thanks for posting this I had gone their a few weeks ago to finally get a membership... :( I couldn't figure out what happened.

I was hoping that she would have started her other site back up, but it just links to the one that is down :(
Aww, her YT account is closed too. Hopefully we'll see her here soon. Pinkskates' hair is beautiful and I always enjoy seeing it.
Well, good luck to her. I had planned on joining her site as well but forgot. She had a very reasonable price. :yep:
OMG..... Why did someone just email me about this crap and wanting a refund..b/c she is still getting charged..I am not Pinkiskates !!!! I guess her site name has Kiss in it...

Why would she close her site and not tell her members anything ?
It's strange that she didn't send out an e-mail telling her members of the coming changes.

I hope she comes back to LHCF though. I'm just greedy for her exercise and health advice. :D
I remember Pinkskates stating that she achieved her hair goals and wasn't taking any more hair pictures. Her lifestyle is becoming more demanding with her family and work. Therefore she wouldn't be able to respond to questions like in the past.

You can still watch her youtube videos.
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You can go to your paypal account account and remove you membership with Kissmyhair.com. That should stop it. I did this in the past.

She should have sent out an email to her members because it's not professional. I hope nothing life changing happened.
I was a member on her site and she did send out a message that the site was being bought. She also had it posted on the website for a month before it closed. She said she was cancelling everyone's membership. I am getting charhed too but I'm sure that's just an error. The last I saw she was back on you tube.