What happened to my thread?!?!

Why is that? :perplexed I thought air and fire signs got along okay? My household is full of craziness...my dad's a cap, my mom is a libra, my sisters are leo, aries, and sag, I'm a gem and my brother is a virgo:spinning:

My dad is a gem. I call him two-faced:yep: One minute, he's nice and the next he's mad about something. I'm like wow, what is your problem. You was fine a second ago:lachen:He'll hang up on me in a minute and then call me back a few minutes later to continue the conversation, as if nothing just happened a few seconds ago:perplexed but overall, he has a heart of gold. He just have zero tolerance for bs, like most gemini's. You alright with me gym:grin:
My dad is a gem. I call him two-faced:yep: One minute, he's nice and the next he's mad about something. I'm like wow, what is your problem. You was fine a second ago:lachen:He'll hang up on me in a minute and then call me back a few minutes later to continue the conversation, as if nothing just happened a few seconds ago:perplexed but overall, he has a heart of gold. He just have zero tolerance for bs, like most gemini's. You alright with me gym:grin:

Thanks T! :lol: Yeah We are the bs champs so we know when its coming...You know what though, Aries usually are good at sniffing out the lies. My sister can spot a liar in a minute.
I will admit that the women that I have come in contact with in my life who were just rotten to the core were usually gems, scorpios, or virgo's. I will say that I really think I have two distinct sides. Being a Gem also makes you a worry wart and it makes it hard for you to feel in control of your surroundings. Have you read this book called Sextrology...its red and white. It is like 20 bucks and is frightenly accurate on every sign. Very detailed too.
Scorpio... another of my arch nemesis:ohwell:
That's it I just got Gemini and Scorpio on my watch list,Caps are annoying but kinda cute with their entitlement(waits for Whipz to swallow the bait lol):rolleyes:
Scorpio... another of my arch nemesis:ohwell:
That's it I just got Gemini and Scorpio on my watch list,Caps are annoying but kinda cute with their entitlement(waits for Whipz to swallow the bait lol):rolleyes:

My ex was a Scorpio :eek: That boy took me on a rollercoaster. I will never be the same again:spinning::spinning:
Thanks T! :lol: Yeah We are the bs champs so we know when its coming...You know what though, Aries usually are good at sniffing out the lies. My sister can spot a liar in a minute.

OMG. Yes, if I don't like someone, 9 times out of 10. I'm usually right. See, Aries, sit back and analyze things. We'll smile and talk with someone but at the same time we're checking them out:lachen:.....okay, back on topic:grin:
OMG. Yes, if I don't like someone, 9 times out of 10. I'm usually right. See, Aries, sit back and analyze things. We'll smile and talk with someone but at the same time we're checking them out:lachen:.....okay, back on topic:grin:

*ding, ding, ding*


As soon as March 21st hits...we'll have our Aries thread so we can talk about ourselves and why we're so great..:look:*

*took it back off topic again. sowry... :lol:*
*ding, ding, ding*


As soon as March 21st hits...we'll have our Aries thread so we can talk about ourselves and why we're so great..:look:*

*took it back off topic again. sowry... :lol:*

I'll be looking out for the thread Mona:yep: and MPJ that BOOP BOOP thread was too funny:lachen:thanks for setting me straight:grin:
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I read it before you changed it. I agree wit ya. Q

What DSylla said was that most Aries are freaks and gawjeous...it really shouldn't be surprising to anyone.... it also shouldn't be surprising if we punch you in the throat, then apologize and say it was an accident..
What DSylla said was that most Aries are freaks and gawjeous...it really shouldn't be surprising to anyone.... it also shouldn't be surprising if we punch you in the throat, then apologize and say it was an accident..
ITA MONA,very wise words D you were very much on point:yep:
Actually I wouldn't apologize.I would tell you you deserved it and drove me to it.After a while I would feel sorry for you tough and go ahead and apologize to be the bigger person(b/c of course I'm right and I got nothing to apologize for- wussy):look: