What happened to my signature?

I am guessing that it's this: we're not supposed to include links to outside sources aside from fotki in our signatures. It counts as advertising in your signature and is prohibited. It was in the announcement this month; I changed mine right after reading it. Other permisable things to include are listed in the announcement.

I don't even remember how to add the links. I still have my picture. But I had the link to my fotki saying "fotki," and I don't remember how to do that. UGH!!!
I am guessing that it's this: we're not supposed to include links to outside sources aside from fotki in our signatures. It counts as advertising in your signature and is prohibited. It was in the announcement this month; I changed mine right after reading it. Other permisable things to include are listed in the announcement.


That's probably it. I had a link to the article on another way to hair type. I don't really see what that could advertise, but I get it. Thanks.

ETA: And you did it in your post; naming the link something rather than the address showing. How do you do that again?
I don't even remember how to add the links. I still have my picture. But I had the link to my fotki saying "fotki," and I don't remember how to do that. UGH!!!

  • Type the word fotki.
  • Highlight it.
  • Click the Globe with the link on it to create a hyperlink.
  • When prompted, enter the URL of your fotki.
  • Click ok.
I didn't even know this forum had rules like that (aside from the obvious, like no threatening/sexual harassment/etc.). I'm still somewhat of a newbie....

I don't understand how a link to your fotki hair album would count as "non-advertisement". I mean, I'm sure lots of women post in their fotki's like what kind of products they use to get some great results in the caption box, hence, a form of advertisement. It's kind of the same as beauty blogs. Soooo....in actuality, if they don't want to allow any advertising in the forum, we should not post any links at all. :rolleyes:

On top of that, a fotki album still counts as a "personal site". It is just an outside site in which you can "personalize"....so these rules are somewhat contradicting.

If this causes us to not allow us to post links at all other than LHCF links, then I am leaving the forum. :ohwell:

You can post other links, just not in your siggy.
I didn't even know this forum had rules like that (aside from the obvious, like no threatening/sexual harassment/etc.). I'm still somewhat of a newbie....

I don't understand how a link to your fotki hair album would count as "non-advertisement". I mean, I'm sure lots of women post in their fotki's like what kind of products they use to get some great results in the caption box, hence, a form of advertisement. It's kind of the same as beauty blogs. Soooo....in actuality, if they don't want to allow any advertising in the forum, we should not post any links at all. :rolleyes:

On top of that, a fotki album still counts as a "personal site". It is just an outside site in which you can "personalize"....so these rules are somewhat contradicting.

If this causes us to not allow us to post links at all other than LHCF links, then I am leaving the forum. :ohwell:

The rationale that I understood from it is this: for some people, their blogs are their side hustle. Links to those blogs, therefore, could be a form of self-promotion, not necessarily the promotion of a product, that people are getting money from. From my understanding, there's no way to get monetary gain from your fotki. In that case, one would be just like any other advertiser or vendor that has to pay for advertising.

They don't mind allowing advertising; they just want people to pay for it. Many advertisers pay per impression (per page view that their advertisement is on). A link in one's signature is an advertisement that occurs in every post that the user has enabled the signature on; thus, you could have thousands of impressions per day.

From a web marketing standpoint, the rules aren't that contradictory at all. To me, posting here is a privilege that I had to purchase and that has rules that come with membership, so I'm fine with following the rules that've been laid out with having that membership. The trade-off of having healthy hair and fellowship with other black females from being here for roughly 7 bucks a year is worth me abstaining from putting a link to my blog in my signature.
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"You are allowed the following hyperlinks to your posts/signatures:
1. Links within the forum - i.e. check this topic
2. Links to your FOTKI album - ONLY FOTKI not a blog
3. Links to your Long Hair Care Forum powered blog
4. Tinkerfactory counters
5. Small pictures that do not hinder the navigation of members on dialup"

I interpreted that as the rule applying to BOTH our postings AND our signatures....

It doesn't, or else the majority of the boards on the forum like politics, entertainment, etc. would cease to function.

It only applies to your signature.
I understand that the site offers a blog area here, but I am very self-expressive and creative and can't stand the lack of design capabilities that it offers. I am a graphic designer so I am constantly wanting to change the look of a site, experimenting with different codes and what not.

I'm also a graphic designer, but at the same time I realize that this is not my site and that, at best, I can give suggestions that may or may not be taken.

That said, I suppose it might be better for me to sit on my hands and allow an actual admin to address your concerns from here. GL.
Its politics as usual.
If i had a website and people wanted to advertise they would have to pay, thats just business.
Your blog may not advertise but others may.
Their signature may contain a link to blog where they are selling a product. Therefore by them using LHCF as their base they should pay.
And its just for your signature. Maybe just have a link for your blog in your fotki, since that is still allowed.
LHCF is a business at the end of the day.
My blog isn't monetized though. And I would like to believe that I am helping people with any advice that I can offer through my experiences, so it is not "just a blog" I can put aside and ignore.

The purpose of this site is to help others learn about healthy hair care practices and meeting other women in the process as you have implied. So why is that I have to be penalized for wanting to help through my blog, just because of the assumption that some people are taking advantage and getting paid per view? What about those that are like me that are trying to help others without any monetary gain? And I'm not talking about posting links to just blogs either.....

I understand that the site offers a blog area here, but I am very self-expressive and creative and can't stand the lack of design capabilities that it offers. I am a graphic designer so I am constantly wanting to change the look of a site, experimenting with different codes and what not.

And I think the operators of LHCF are acting like hypocrites. They have posted an outside link to "follow them on twitter", knowing that once people add them, then their followers, and followers of followers can add them too, spreading the word around about LHCF and thus, making money per subscription (and twitter is a free site, so they didn't pay to advertise). So they can self-promote, but the members who PAID just to post, can't?

I think they're afraid that if women of color are posting FREE tips on healthy hair (and more) on their blogs, then there is no need to pay LHCF for it.
They don't want it to catch on....smh.....And yes, LHCF is only $6.50 a year, but the more subcribers you get, it eventually adds up. And how do we know if LHCF itself, isn't someone else's "side hustle"....?

It's just the principle of the matter that bothers me.
Don't know if you know this or not, but the owner of this site is a woman of color.:look:
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I dont understand why mine got deleted...it was just Pikistrip photos. I see others still have theirs up-yes actual Piki strips but mine were removed...can anyone tell me why this would happen?
I dont understand why mine got deleted...it was just Pikistrip photos. I see others still have theirs up-yes actual Piki strips but mine were removed...can anyone tell me why this would happen?
I believe even if its Pikistrips, if the size of it is too large, they will delete. The other members whose siggies are still large...know that theirs (deleted siggy) is on the way:lachen: There are thousands of members on this forum, so I'm sure its going to take a little time.

I barely post on this site anymore. I just come in from time to time to search for certain topics and I get a message saying I was advertising because of a link I put in my signature. It was definitely not a "side hustle" and I definitely find this whole thing ridiculous. In the end, I understand rules are rules so my rant end here...:offrant:

Thanks to the OP for posting this topic. Off to lurkdom I go...
Oh well it is what it is. All needs and wants cannot be met here and damn sho not fo six damn fiddy. So what is a girl to do? Dont ask fo no refund! Lol.
I barely post on this site anymore. I just come in from time to time to search for certain topics and I get a message saying I was advertising because of a link I put in my signature. It was definitely not a "side hustle" and I definitely find this whole thing ridiculous. In the end, I understand rules are rules so my rant end here...:offrant:

Thanks to the OP for posting this topic. Off to lurkdom I go...