What happened to my Siggy.

Mai Tai

Miss Nigeria-America
What happened to my siggy? I don't have any ads or links to outside websites, yet it has completely disappeared. What gives?
It was deleted probably because it was larger than it's supposed to be. There's a thread where Nikos explains it with a picture. Here is the thread that has a picture and where the quoted material below came from: http://www.longhaircareforum.com/showthread.php?t=431904&highlight=

Yours disappeared because it was too big. If you shrink it it will be fine. Again the rule of thumb in signature sizes:

Look at the HEIGHT of your browser (visible window). Divide that by 4 and if your signature occupies more than 1/4th of that window it is too big.

Take advantage of colors, smaller fonts, put more information in one line. You can get a lot more in this way. Remember that tickers occupy a lot of screen. A ticker and a pikistrip will get you easily over the limit.

