what happened hair disaster???


New Member
A work colleague of my husband is now permanently wearing a headscarf. Why?? she went to the hairdressers, I believe to have braids put in (but knowing what men are like it could have been a relaxer and I'm convinced it was). Apparently she got burn't down her back, but if she is now wearing a scarf her scalp may have burn't as well. What kind of procedure would have been used for these burns to occur during the braiding process because according to my husband it doesnt seem as if she has any hair under the scarf? She is taking out legal procedures against the hairdresser and I hope she wins. What do you ladies think? It makes me so mad that the hairdresser was so careless
The only thing I can think of is when people get their hair braided, the ends of the braids are "sealed" by burning them w/a lighter, thus melting the ends together to keep the braid from unraveling. Maybe the braider tried to do this and dropped the lighter/match/incendiary device on her back? Or the flame shot up the braid and burned her scalp? These are all I could think of and maybe someone else will suggest something else.

In the meantime, I wish your friend a speedy recovery and proper compensation.
maybe she got scalded with hot water????? Some braided styles are sealed with boiling water on the ends (to make the ends crimped or curly on synthetic hair). This happened to a friend of mine while her sister was doing her hair. By accident, she moved her head and her sister dropped the whole cup of boiling water down her neck/back (and she was pregnant at the time-- ouch!)

Either way, I hope she recovers and she takes pics if she wants to take legal action.