What Hair Type Is Michael Michelle???


New Member
Just curious, because this hair type thing is soooo confusing!!!! I have no idea!
Ok, I'm guessing 3b or 2b?
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I'm afraid you are going to be left confused, because the whole hair typing thing is a matter is so vague, and many interpret it in so many different ways. I don't really try anymore. Sorry.
Michael who?? You mean that man-stealing hussy??!! :naughty: (see Entertainment boards...:laugh: ) She looks to be somewhere in the 2's to me... :)
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OMG!! I just learned that she was a man stealer yesterday. Her pic on that post is what made me curious about her hair. I don't know, I just have a habit of guessing hair types after reading Andre's book(so confusing). I guess it's sort of like testing myself. When I saw her hair I was like, "what type is that!" Her hair is confusing to me, but I'll say 2b/c and leave it alone!!!
pookeylou said:
Now I am more curious about whose husband she stole than her hair type...do tell!

There's a thread in the Entertainment / Celebrity Gossip and News section called "So, this professional homewrecker gave birth".
Just remember they wear alot of wigs we acting and performing. Remebering Micheal years ago we she first came out with the Eddie Murphy scandel her hair looked 4a. The series Kevin Hill shows her real hair. Some other shows I think she was been wearing wigs and/or hair pieces. VEry, Very popular in the entertainment industry. :look:
I was just about to say this. I think her hair is a 4a, too. I think the curly hair was Nature girl curly hair :lol:


star said:
Just remember they wear alot of wigs we acting and performing. Remebering Micheal years ago we she first came out with the Eddie Murphy scandel her hair looked 4a. The series Kevin Hill shows her real hair. Some other shows I think she was been wearing wigs and/or hair pieces. VEry, Very popular in the entertainment industry. :look:
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melodee said:
I'm afraid you are going to be left confused, because the whole hair typing thing is a matter is so vague, and many interpret it in so many different ways. I don't really try anymore. Sorry.

I agree. Hair typing is confusing and I don't even bother with trying to figure it out. My hair is just garden variety nappy, thankyouverymuch. :)
ms_kenesha said:
I was just about to say this. I think her hair is a 4a, too. I think the curly hair was Nature girl curly hair :lol:


What is Nature girl curly hair?
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I don't think we'll be really able to tell from pictures. Since she's on tv and get pics taken all the time they do all kinds of things/styles with her hair. For example in the pic that you posted I'm sure they put her hair on rollers (small ones). So we'll never know.