What hair treatment is this? (please look at Clip and explain)

It looked like amla to me or cassia henna (for conditioning) It just looked like she used a lot of water to mix it. As fas as what she pumped in her hands, only the lord knows on that one :), you can get the little scalp scrubber thingie from wal-mart. It feels really good when you use it too. Of course she was getting a steam tx,massage I was wishing I was there! ShooT!
I dont know about you guys, but I'm itching to try the Livon product. Plus those other sunsilk shampoo peeked my curiousity.

Also, the ionic Rescue treatment sounds pretty interesting.

I'm gonna surf a bit to see where i can get this stuff. If i do purchase it, I will try it and give review.

ajargon02 said:
It looked like amla to me or cassia henna (for conditioning) It just looked like she used a lot of water to mix it. As fas as what she pumped in her hands, only the lord knows on that one :), you can get the little scalp scrubber thingie from wal-mart. It feels really good when you use it too. Of course she was getting a steam tx,massage I was wishing I was there! ShooT!

the whole treatment looked relaxing.I need to get to Walmart and find those scalp scrubbers I would love to use those to massage my scalp when I shampoo.
These commercials were SO entertaining, keep 'em coming!:grin: It's amazing that in all of these commercials the woman with the gorgeous hair had jet black, blinging hair while the "damaged" hair was a lighter brown with less shine. But even the damaged hair just looked to me like it just needed a good deep condition. :look: :lol: