What Hair Regimen Tips Save You Time?


New Member
This can be tips that save time for anything, like styling, washing or conditioning, etc.

One thing in my regimen that saves me time, is rollersetting my hair using magnetic rollers with the matching clip-on holders.

One of you wonderful ladies shared this a couple of months ago and I had to try them. Stores in my area, including Sally's only carried the very small sizes of these type of rollers but I was able to spot some larger 2 7/8" ones in the recent past. :yay: Boy, do these save me time! I wondered if I would have "line" marks in my hair from the rollers but I don't. I would love it if I could find 3" sizes.

Do you have any hair regimen tips to share that save you time? :)
A lot of people do this already, but DCing before washing saves me time. I can just walk around with the DC on then get in the shower and wash and 2 minute condition in 1 shot.
A lot of people do this already, but DCing before washing saves me time. I can just walk around with the DC on then get in the shower and wash and 2 minute condition in 1 shot.
I haven't tried this one. So you DC a different amount of time before shampooing than you do after shampooing?
I haven't tried this one. So you DC a different amount of time before shampooing than you do after shampooing?

Yeah. Do the 30 minute to an hour DC before shampooing, then condition in the shower for like 2 minutes. Comes out good. :yep:
I try to intergrate all my beauty stuff into one.
For example, while I deep condition, I put on a fask mask and scrub my feet or study while I wait. I paint my nails while under the dryer and finish any homework.

Lately, putting conditioner on at night and rinsing it out in the morning has saved me time too. I just shampoo it out, comb conditioner through for 2-3 minutes, rinse and bun.

Learning how to pin curl has saved me time because I can do it at night and have curls for 2-3 days without having to wake up early to curl it with my steam rollers.

Using nozzle tipped bottles for my ovation and certain conditioners make application easier and I use less product.
DCing on dry hair before washing definitely saves me time. Also bunning my hair or putting it in braids styles my hair overnight, so I have very little to do to my hair in the a.m.

I have some of those self holding magnetic rollers too Isis. I should try using them again, I haven't used them in years. How do they save you time exactly Isis? Is it with your drying time or just putting them in?
Yeah. Do the 30 minute to an hour DC before shampooing, then condition in the shower for like 2 minutes. Comes out good. :yep:
Thank you. I haven't tried a DC before washing. :scratchch
I do the protein treatment, like Keraphix on dry hair before washing. Now that saves me time. :)
DCing on dry hair before washing definitely saves me time. Also bunning my hair or putting it in braids styles my hair overnight, so I have very little to do to my hair in the a.m.

I have some of those self holding magnetic rollers too Isis. I should try using them again, I haven't used them in years. How do they save you time exactly Isis? Is it with your drying time or just putting them in?
The self-holidng rollers save me time putting them in. :yep: The go in so easily and quickly--just roll and snap. No playing around with the roller clips, although I did get better with them over the years. It saves me drying time overnight since I use more of them with much smaller sections of hair. :)
As I always mention when I get the opportunity, I use Silver2's scarf method to air dry my hair and just roll up the ends. She does this under a dryer which is even faster.

The roots and top (and sides) of the hair dry smooth and flat from the scarf and the ends are smooth from the rollers. I use more rollers than she does for faster air drying but if sitting under a dryer, only 4-6 rollers are needed, after tying the top of the hair with the scarf. :)

When the hair has dried, just remove the scarf and rollers, fluff out the hair and go!
I try to intergrate all my beauty stuff into one.
For example, while I deep condition, I put on a fask mask and scrub my feet or study while I wait. I paint my nails while under the dryer and finish any homework.

Lately, putting conditioner on at night and rinsing it out in the morning has saved me time too. I just shampoo it out, comb conditioner through for 2-3 minutes, rinse and bun.

Learning how to pin curl has saved me time because I can do it at night and have curls for 2-3 days without having to wake up early to curl it with my steam rollers.

Using nozzle tipped bottles for my ovation and certain conditioners make application easier and I use less product.
Thanks for sharing. These are all very good, time-saving tips! :up:
I too pin curl which saves me a lot of time.
I try to intergrate all my beauty stuff into one.
For example, while I deep condition, I put on a fask mask and scrub my feet or study while I wait. I paint my nails while under the dryer and finish any homework.

Lately, putting conditioner on at night and rinsing it out in the morning has saved me time too. I just shampoo it out, comb conditioner through for 2-3 minutes, rinse and bun.

Learning how to pin curl has saved me time because I can do it at night and have curls for 2-3 days without having to wake up early to curl it with my steam rollers.

Using nozzle tipped bottles for my ovation and certain conditioners make application easier and I use less product.

this is a good one. Im using a lot of olive oil (which is pricey) on my hair. A nozzle top would put the stuff exactly where I want it. THANKS!
Mixing Oil w/ my Deep conditioner-a hot oil treatment and deep conditioning treatment in one. I know it's an oldie but it does save time and is a good idea.

Deep Conditioning while working out

Pre-poo/Deep Conditioning on dry hair either the night before wash day or while you workout, shower,etc

Co-washing or washing while taking a shower
steaming! saves time cause i dont have to stop and moisturize so much
saves money cause i dont have to stop and buy moisturizer so much! luv sam for this!:love2: