What hair products should I buy?


New Member
I want to buy some more hair products because I am running out of my old ones. What products do you guys suggest? Which ones are you currently using and help your hair?
If you need a DC (or cowash/regular conditioner) I'd go with Aubrey Organics White Camellia. I just started using it about 2 months ago, and I'm in love with it.

BTW, I love your screenname!
Seconding the white camellia... my paycheck was burning a hole in my walled (and i needed a re-up on dc) and I could no longer ignore msa's recommendation. Smells like old spice but I looooove what it did for my hair. I also liked Giovanni direct leave in (yes, even as a natural!) and i'd love to try dang near the entire rest of the line. Yes to carrots also looks interesting, though I haven't tried it yet.. and lastly, I can never be without some castor oil.
I love Qhemet Biologics, you have to order online though at qhemetbiologics.com.

I recommend the Amla and Olive Heavy Cream and the Olive and Honey Hydrating Balm.

Instant Moisture.