What else have you been growing from taking your vitamins?


Active Member

I know that I cannot be the only one going through this.
I love love taking the hair vitamins, the MSM, biotin, and silca(occassionally), but besides from the hair on my head is growing, I am having to shave like twice a week!

I love for my nails to grow but my toenails are growing too, and really fast!:lachen:, nfor facial hair I am using Sally Hansen, I pluck them out but they come in just as fast as I pull them out, hair is sprouting from everywhere!. I am having a cronic problem with my chin! I know that some women have hair from their chin. I used to have like two or three there but now it is like 10 on each side...yuck! I am having to remove that almost every day.

Is any one else having this problem? Are there any products out there that last longer than what I am using?

For body hair I just use nair, waxing ebrows but it doesnt last too long. Maybe I will just have to put up with it. What do you do?
When I was on vits, my eyebrows kept growing back in like a week and a half. That was the only thing I really noticed. Oh yeah, once my eyelashes grew.
when I was on vitamins my body hair grew in real quick. I was shaving my legs and underarms once a week.

My skin was also clearer , which I loved.

I know that I cannot be the only one going through this.
I love love taking the hair vitamins, the MSM, biotin, and silca(occassionally), but besides from the hair on my head is growing, I am having to shave like twice a week!

I love for my nails to grow but my toenails are growing too, and really fast!:lachen:, nfor facial hair I am using Sally Hansen, I pluck them out but they come in just as fast as I pull them out, hair is sprouting from everywhere!. I am having a cronic problem with my chin! I know that some women have hair from their chin. I used to have like two or three there but now it is like 10 on each side...yuck! I am having to remove that almost every day.

Is any one else having this problem? Are there any products out there that last longer than what I am using?

For body hair I just use nair, waxing ebrows but it doesnt last too long. Maybe I will just have to put up with it. What do you do?

I was just thinking about this today. My *ahem* "body" hair is getting out of control. My nails are super hard (I mean really hard). On good note though...my skin looks great and is glowing...:grin:
I ALWAYS wondered about that.... if the rest of your hair (body hair) grows more with supplements too!

Thanks for the post.... interesting.
I thought I was the only one, lol. Unfortunately it's those stubborn hairs on my chin. I wish my eyebrows would grow, I barely have any to begin with.

I know that I cannot be the only one going through this.
I love love taking the hair vitamins, the MSM, biotin, and silca(occassionally), but besides from the hair on my head is growing, I am having to shave like twice a week!

I love for my nails to grow but my toenails are growing too, and really fast!:lachen:, nfor facial hair I am using Sally Hansen, I pluck them out but they come in just as fast as I pull them out, hair is sprouting from everywhere!. I am having a cronic problem with my chin! I know that some women have hair from their chin. I used to have like two or three there but now it is like 10 on each side...yuck! I am having to remove that almost every day.

Is any one else having this problem? Are there any products out there that last longer than what I am using?

For body hair I just use nair, waxing ebrows but it doesnt last too long. Maybe I will just have to put up with it. What do you do?

StellaB, I'm so used to facial hair growth but you know what? I follow the MORROCCO's chart when I get rid of the facial{chin} hair by waxing and if I hit the right date the hairs take longer to return...try it.