what DON'T you like about your hair...?

Re: what DON\'T you like about your hair...?

I dont like the ends of my hair, and the fact that no matter how much I press it out, it still a frizzy ball, that my hair has tiny knots on some strans and the only way for them to come out is too cut it
Re: what DON\'T you like about your hair...?

*I don't like that my edges are a little thin (though I have been obsessive about looking at people's edges in the spot where I think mine is thin and I think I'm mostly paranoid).
*I don't like my breakage from the "bad relaxer."
*I don't like that my hair is long and mostly even but just so thin when I had such thick hair as a child.

Mostly, I am happier with my hair than I was when I first discovered the breakage and realized I had to let the relaxer (straight hair) go but now I know it was a mixed blessing b/c I am learning to love my new hair. Just praying for no more breakage so I can keep the length.
Re: what DON\'T you like about your hair...?

I don't like how easily my hair frizzes, my thin hairline and how I can't do a thing with it around touch-up time.
Re: what DON\'T you like about your hair...?

... my edges (at my temples) they seem a little "thin" to me...
... my ends, they always look "dry" unless they are actually wet

i wish my hair was thicker
...takes too darn long to grow
Re: what DON\'T you like about your hair...?

When I press my hair, it's the same length as my fully relaxed hair was around this time last year (nape length--except for the broken part at the crown). But if I just shampoo and try a "shake and go", it looks like it's 2" long!
Re: what DON\'T you like about your hair...?


I am sure that has to be something you can do with your hair. Now that I'm transitioning, I am coming up with all sorts of things. Have you looked around the site for ideas? I hope you find something that will work! I used to feel that way when it was time for a touch-up but if only I knew then what I know now!
Re: what DON\'T you like about your hair...?

-Ends are thin
-Doesn't naturally curl as much as it used to
-Doesn't grow as fast as it used too (thank you thyroid!)
-Doesn't take to perms like it used to
-Never obeys on command
Re: what DON\'T you like about your hair...?

Appears to grow faster in the wintertime..

The 1/4" inch section in the top that is shorter than the rest.
Re: what DON\'T you like about your hair...?

My hair is very fine...so when I do a braid or twist out I don't get the volume I'm looking for.
Re: what DON\'T you like about your hair...?

I wish my hair was thicker... atleast as thick as it use to be when I was in Junior High.
Re: what DON\'T you like about your hair...?

I just wish that it grew faster. I love my hair and it's crazy ways.
Re: what DON\'T you like about your hair...?

Ok good. I am glad that you all have some hair problems too. I mean sometimes I think I am the only one who obsesses over
1. Uneven. But I am afraid cutting it is NOT the answer
2. Breakage. God it just breaks my heart.
3. Slow Growth. I take the vits, I rarely brush/comb. I leave it alone. Then I read that some girl got 1.5 a month and I want to cry...
Re: what DON\'T you like about your hair...?

I wish my hair was was thicker......I want to thank all of the streaking and bleaching and hot curling irons for my presently thin hair
...now I know better.

I wish my hair didn't grow so slow....I dried my hair under the hooded dryer for the first time in 2 weeks....when its dry I can really see my new growhth.....well 8 wks into my relaxer and it looks like not even a 1/2 inch a growth..

In reference to my first "I hate"...I hate the fact that my hair won't hold highlights w/o breaking off cause I really do love the way the color looks...**sigh****oh well.
Re: what DON\'T you like about your hair...?

I have always hated that my bangs dont grow the way they did when I was a little girl. Oh and one side had always been longer than the other. Hopefully with all these new great things I learned, my hair will get better. Actually my hair has already started to improve.
Re: what DON\'T you like about your hair...?

oh I also hate that my hair won't grow even....U know why....the reason is in the analogy below....see if u can guess it.

candy is to a baby as uneven hair is to:

a. Scissor Happy stylist
b. Scissor Happy stylist who want to even your hair up
c. Scissor Happy stylist who want to even your hair up to the shortest lenght every 8 weeks even though they know hair grows uneven and no matter how much "evening" up they do the hair is still going to grow uneven.
c. all of the above
Re: what DON\'T you like about your hair...?

I wish my hair was thicker and not as dry (therefore less prone to break).
Re: what DON\'T you like about your hair...?

oh I also hate that my hair won't grow even....U know why....the reason is in the analogy below....see if u can guess it.

candy is to a baby as uneven hair is to:

a. Scissor Happy stylist
b. Scissor Happy stylist who want to even your hair up
c. Scissor Happy stylist who want to even your hair up to the shortest lenght every 8 weeks even though they know hair grows uneven and no matter how much "evening" up they do the hair is still going to grow uneven.
c. all of the above

[/ QUOTE ]

Now this is what scares the livin day lights out of me. My biggest challenge is allowing a proffesional to trim my hair, but I am terrified of them. I need to hurry up and learn to trim my own hair.
Re: what DON\'T you like about your hair...?

I don't care for the thickness of my hair.
I would like thicker hair!
I have to get some B-5 (Panthenol) supplements.
Hopefully, this will help me out!
Re: what DON\'T you like about your hair...?

Seems like we all want thicker hair... im glad that I am not alone. Thick hair is what I admire the most on the women of this board. I dont like hair that is long and looks like it is on life support and screaming to be clipped and treated.
Re: what DON\'T you like about your hair...?

well 8 wks into my relaxer and it looks like not even a 1/2 inch a growth..

[/ QUOTE ]

Is it possible that you are being fooled by the shrinkage factor? Are you stretching your hair to get an accurate measurement?

Re: what DON\'T you like about your hair...?

I love the texture of my hair, however I wish it were longer and thicker. It's a nice length now, and it's growing pretty fast, but I want it to be bra strap length already. I'm so impatient when it comes to my hair.
Re: what DON\'T you like about your hair...?

Funny, some of you say you want "thick hair"...I would like my 4b thick hair to be just slighly thinner. I mean the fullness i get with curls is nice, but sometimes I wish the curls would lay a little flater naturally.
Re: what DON\'T you like about your hair...?

I like the texture of my hair, but like many of you guys, I wish my hair were thicker. It has always been thin, though. My mom's hair is coarser than mine but it is also thin and so was my grandmother's. I guess it's just hereditary. The best I can do is take care of what I have. Hopefully these vitamins will kick in...
Re: what DON\'T you like about your hair...?

i wish i was a 2A or any type 2. I wish it would just grow without so much breakage. i hate the fact that i have dandruff also