What does your stylist say when...

Fine 4s

Well-Known Member
she/he sees the growth you've achieved? Do they take credit for it? Ignore it? Say your hair was longer when you had regular salon visits?

What is their reaction?

The stylist I used to go to said: "Her hair was longer than that last year." This was before I started going to the Dominican salons.

My most recent stylist admitted it was long....
Um, my last stylist admitted it. But then added like, 3 negatives. Bad awful ends [false.] Asking me what I did to break the crown off. [It's always been a problem spot. Always. Even when I saw her. Then told me not to DC weekly. :perplexed
I was like, whatever. I just ignore her.

Then later shes flatironing it .. she goes to my mom "Hasn't she come a long way? Remember when she first came to me?"

Like she hadn't kept me at a healthy neck length for a year ..

Sorry. Mini-Rant over.
When I got my TU in March, my stylist told me that my hair was really growing and seemed to have gotten thicker:yep: Then she wanted to know what I have been doing to it to get it that way. Instead of going through all the detail, I just told her that I wear ponytails everyday:ohwell:
A stylist that I had many years ago used to tell other people when they came into the shop, "I grew her hair out like that!":perplexed

Bless her heart because she was a nice lady but that was mildly annoying.
When I went last month, my stylist said "Whoo you've got alot of growth up there!" And I did too because I had just completed a 3 month stretch. My stylist doesn't try to take credit because I have known her since I was 6 and of she has always treated my hair well. It was my lack of knowledge that caused me to remain at shoulder length:nono:.
After she relaxed my 27 week post hair she couldn't stop complimenting my progress (health and length difference)...she was very happy. I wanted a trim and I warned her about cutting too much...and she said "oh no mami, I love seeing my customers hair grow long"

And I was very satisfied with the results

I'm doing a 19 week stretch this time around because I want to enjoy my hair this summer... and I can't wait to hear what she has to say :)
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I see my stylist 3 times a year for my relaxer. During my last visit in Dec '09, after she complained about my hair been too nappy to get a comb through, she commented that my hair was getting long. It made me smile and get really excited...although her long is different from my long. She did try to throw in a "you want a trim...?" Yeah. Right. :rolleyes:
My stylist told me that my hair was growing like CRAZY.. but that I should stop listening to advice from hair forums because my hair would eventually fall out.. because she is a "trained licensed beautician" and she knows best. :armyhat:

Her advice (although my hair had grown from NL to about APL in about a year)was:
-I need to still relax every 6-8 weeks with my texture
-Stop using Henna because it will melt my hair
-Do not use water in my hair as much I was doing (hot as heck summer months in Texas= cowashing 2-3 times a week for me)

I was like :rolleyes:

I stopped going to her afterI told her I was going natural.. and she told me that with my grain of hair my hair would fall out and not grow if I went natural :ohwell:
My stylist would for the most part be happy. The only time she would get upset with me would be when I would call myself "snip" my own ends. She would often say it wasn't needed. I better not comment on another clients hair being long and pretty because she would tell me, "I would love for you to be there but you keep cutting it off". lol, I really miss her.
I remember one hairdresser I was going to for almost 6 months at the beginning of my hair care journey. I started out with shoulder length hair with her. After about 3 months of seeing her weekly, I got human hair braids and started using BT on my scalp for a solid 2 months maybe a week or two more. When I took them out and went to her for a touch-up her reaction when she touched my hair was "It grew?!" Lol..it was so funny to me because she said it like it wasn't suppose to. Not only had it grown but my hair was very thick. This was my second relaxer with her and she took it upon herself to coat the entire length of my hair with the relaxer as if she was doing another corrective (I went from no-lye all my life to lye when I started going to her) The first corrective was ok, GREAT actually. But for her to do it a second time was uncalled for. I spoke up and said "Wait, aren't you just suppose to put it on my new growth?" And she gave me some BS..I believe she was purposely trying to thin my hair. She was also one of those stylist that keeps her hair at an inch of length. After that before she could let the scissors touch my ends I said "No trim" and she goes "But I like for it to be.." and she did a motion with her hand. And I said "Yeah but I want to get past.." and I did the same motion with my hand.

I came home and shared the horror with LHCF then did an Avocado treatment, Emergencee treatment, and deep conditioner to strengthen up my hair and it really worked. Needless to say she lost a good customer for life after that mess.
Um, my last stylist admitted it. But then added like, 3 negatives. Bad awful ends [false.] Asking me what I did to break the crown off. [It's always been a problem spot. Always. Even when I saw her. Then told me not to DC weekly. :perplexed
I was like, whatever. I just ignore her.

Then later shes flatironing it .. she goes to my mom "Hasn't she come a long way? Remember when she first came to me?"

Like she hadn't kept me at a healthy neck length for a year ..

Sorry. Mini-Rant over.

As to the bolded how true. How soon do they forget that yes some areas may be shorter because it was a problem spot and that area is catching up. My experience HS make the same comments each visit (until the problem grows out), is it a lapse of memory??? Also they cut and cut so it will even out, even the new growth, but saying they are cutting cause of split ends. When in truth is them wanting to even out the lengths and create a style. Defeating our purpose to retain our new length growth.
My stylist tells me I've done a good job. I see her more often in late fall and winter, now that I've started stretching.
The place I was going to for 10 yrs on and off never quite "gravitate" to me, I wasn't a regular which means go every 2 weeks, and I always had so many "rules". They were rude too, they would talk about people in Spanish and complain when you had too much NG. They would always pressure you to get a trim, and relax early if you just wanted a wash and set.

The new place I go to (discovered through here) is 10x better, they are small and not quite the best looking place, but they care about the health of your hair more than just styling it.
They always say my hair is healthy and I'm doing a great job of taking care of it myself. The African ladies at the braid shop always comment on how pretty it is, that's it's "nice", that it's soft, etc. I only go to the salon for trims and the occasional weave or braid style.