What does your hair feel like?


Ms. Nobody
Pictures dont tell the whole story! Does your hair feel silky? wooly? like velcro? or does it remind you of a brillo pad?

If i were to decribe how my strands feel like when i run my fingers through it, i would say it feels something like velvet. I actually dont like the feeling that much. i wish it felt smoother

How about you? I am curious!
When my hair is really moisturized and in top shape, it feels like velvet too!! Sometimes it'll also feel like suede or plushy :lick:. But my hair goes through this horrible phase a couple of times a year where it gets wiry and the strands feel kinda like sand paper. Lord I hate when it gets like that :cry: .
I think my hair feels like a mixture of silky (maybe velvety I guess), textured, cottony velcro lol. I don't know it just feels like soft silky cotton in most places and my grays feel like velcro lol.

ETA: ^^^this is the way my hair feels with no product after clarifying. When cowashing it feels soft and fluffy. After product it feels soft and silky.


Don't judge...Sent from my Galaxy Note II using LHCF
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In the natural state, it feels like cashmere at its optimal moisturized level. When i flat iron, it feels even softer.
Ooohhh Hairatage Hydrations soft marshmallow or pink mimosa :-)


Don't judge...Sent from my Galaxy Note II using LHCF
Depends on so many levels

Soaking wet, it feels like oil on my strands, my hair just slips.

Roller set, it feels like smooth feathers. Sometimes, it almost feels like weave.

Air dry, it feels soft, but I couldn't put a texture on it. It's a soft smooth. If I use a bad DC or leave-in you could go cotton picking in this joint!!!!

Please excuse my iPhone; it's trying to get it together
When my porosity is in check and my hair is moisturized my hair has a moist smooth feeling.

When its dry, its still soft in a way, but you feel every cuticle on my strand blasted wide open. It just feels rough.
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Smooth and soft. When things are really good it almost has a plastic feel. .. smooth, silky, soft yet strong. I guess how it would feel with silicone without actually using the silicone.
When i do the Curly Girl method consistently...my hair feels like the polyester cotton filling that u can find inside of a squishy teddy bear :)

My curls feel silky and springy...especially if i use some protein.

If its not moisturized properly it feels like super dry cotton balls:nono:...hasn't felt that way since i first went natural.
like cotton balls you buy in the store. Not the original feeling of the cotton you initially pick from the field but the processed kind. lol
If I'm wearing my hair curly and using my Tresemme naturals as a leave in, it's very springy and silky.

Days like today, when I've combed it and it's in a poof, it feels soft but dense like a yellow bath sponge.
most days, i have no idea. i dont' touch my hair that often.

regular days: like dry hair?
post condition and moisture: pretty heavy and silky
after professional: kind of oily, which I prefer the most
after DD salon: dry as hay but silky
Bushy. Bushy. Bushy. When I am natural it is bushy. When I am relaxed it is a bushy straight. BUSHY! LOL!
My hair feels like a brand new plush dog toy lol (I don't have kids, just my mutts lol)

I'm not illiterate. It's my phones auto correct
Properly moisturized: like fibrous textured cotton...
Dry or otherwise unhappy: canvas or cheap carpet