What does the Sabbath mean to you?


New Member
I had the best Sabbath ever! A friend of mine would say this- every Sabbath. :)

Srsly, today I was hit with this feeling in the middle of church and was like 'Oh, I love this, thank you God!.'

I can't begin to put into words what the Sabbath means to me- it's the best day of the week- hands-down but there's something special that happens on this day! There's no magical formula for it because I worship, study my Bible, sing, pray on other days but on Sabbath, something happens to take all of that to a deeper & higher level.

Ladies who keep the Sabbath (seventh-day)- can you help me just testify- put this into words please?

What does the Sabbath mean to you?
it means a renewing of your mind body and spirit to me. This is the day the lord has set aside for a holy day, when we do nothing but what pleases God, this day will last forever. Yes I am excited about Sabbath the only time I am not is when I do not prepare for it. I'll share this my mind is at ease on Sabbath i am not worried about work or other things I am relaxed and ready to hear the message and share what the Lord has done for me. I love seeing my family members and spending time with them in prayer and fellowship.
Sabbath is a commandment - We honor God by obeying it.
Isaiah 58:13
“Keep the Sabbath day holy.Don’t pursue your own interests on that day,but enjoy the Sabbath and speak of it with delight as the Lord’s holy day.Honor the Sabbath in everything you do on that day,and don’t follow your own desires or talk idly.
God gives us 7 days and ask of only one to put aside to honor him.
The Sabbath is day of sacred communion with the Lord. I believe that it is the sacredness of the day that is so difficult to put into words. It's definitely true that there is something special on the seventh day, because it's the day that God blessed and hallowed as a memorial of His creative power [Gen 2:1-3]. So it cannot be like any other day because it's God's day of rest, that He made for us [Mark 2:27]. And when we enter into His rest every Sabbath, we partake in the celebration of love, care and compassion. We celebrate the Lord for who He is and all that He does for us - and we celebrate with Him.

Lately, I have come to especially love the words of Sabbath hymns...
http://www.egfellowship.org/hymns/388 Dont Forget the Sabbath.htm
it means a renewing of your mind body and spirit to me. This is the day the lord has set aside for a holy day, when we do nothing but what pleases God, this day will last forever. Yes I am excited about Sabbath the only time I am not is when I do not prepare for it. I'll share this my mind is at ease on Sabbath i am not worried about work or other things I am relaxed and ready to hear the message and share what the Lord has done for me. I love seeing my family members and spending time with them in prayer and fellowship.
Sabbath is a commandment - We honor God by obeying it.
Isaiah 58:13
“Keep the Sabbath day holy.Don’t pursue your own interests on that day,but enjoy the Sabbath and speak of it with delight as the Lord’s holy day.Honor the Sabbath in everything you do on that day,and don’t follow your own desires or talk idly.
God gives us 7 days and ask of only one to put aside to honor him.

Yes! I love that no matter what I am going through during the week, it is put aside on Sabbath and not only that but like you said I am renewed. I am so not worried about those issues that when the Sabbath ends, God gives me the strength to deal with them or shows me how really small they are in comparison to what He can do.

Some of my friends who don't understand ask me about the things that I can't do and I'm like 'huh?' There is so little time of the Sabbath & it is such a special time- I don't want to do those other things. It doesn't feel like I am sacrificing those things or anything because it is such a blessing to me.

Thanks for your post blazingthru!
The Sabbath is day of sacred communion with the Lord. I believe that it is the sacredness of the day that is so difficult to put into words. It's definitely true that there is something special on the seventh day, because it's the day that God blessed and hallowed as a memorial of His creative power [Gen 2:1-3]. So it cannot be like any other day because it's God's day of rest, that He made for us [Mark 2:27]. And when we enter into His rest every Sabbath, we partake in the celebration of love, care and compassion. We celebrate the Lord for who He is and all that He does for us - and we celebrate with Him.

Lately, I have come to especially love the words of Sabbath hymns...
http://www.egfellowship.org/hymns/388 Dont Forget the Sabbath.htm

Thank you divya! You're right- it is the sacredness that is really hard to describe. It goes beyond physical, mental & spiritual -it feels more than taking a day off or even spending time with God on any other day of the week. I feel that Bible study on Sabbath is extra special- new things are revealed to me as I study more than any other day. My mind is so attuned to God- all the distractions of the week are gone & I can hear Him so much more clearly. I love that hymn- Don't forget the Sabbath- thanks for posting.
I honestly can't express how important the Sabbath is to me. It's a day where I can forget everything else that's going on, and just focus on telling Jesus how wonderful He's been to be over the past week. I'm able to reflect on my spiritual journey and get ready for the upcoming week's battles. And I love how even my friends who don't keep the Sabbath regularly feel a Sabbath day's blessing when they keep it with me! God is good, and I love being able to spend Sabbaths telling Him just how good He is :smile:
The Sabbath is a time for us to rest (from work and worries of the world), regenerate (spiritually and physically), and reverence the one who created us and the world.

God is so good to have given us this time to cease from work and spend time drawing closer to him. I love the Sabbath.
shabbot shalom!

I am new to learning about the sabbath...so thank you for the post...

From what I have gathered so far is that God's sabbath really has more to do with mans rest, for example its an appointed time to take a moment..

Today I did that...i just pondered God and His word. I didnt go to a sabbath service bc the one I have been going to is nice-but lacks SPIRIT.
Today was such a wonderful Sabbath. I pray that all of you were blessed. At AYS service, someone touched on the significance of the Sabbath, among other topics.

He spoke about Sabbath being a time where we are in communion with the Lord. It is the day He chose to minister in a special way to us. And while some may want to debate about the significance of the seventh day, he put it like this...

The seventh day is the specified day that God Himself, Ruler of all Heaven and Earth, chose for us to spend with Him. That in itself is amazing! So since Almighty God chose a particular day to minister to me, I definitely plan to 'be there' and honor His holy day.

It must be special!

Just thought I'd share. Take care ladies.
The seventh day is the specified day that God Himself, Ruler of all Heaven and Earth, chose for us to spend with Him. That in itself is amazing! So since Almighty God chose a particular day to minister to me, I definitely plan to 'be there' and honor His holy day.

It must be special!

Just thought I'd share. Take care ladies.

I never thought about it that way! LOL Thanks for sharing!