What does MSM do?

Nice & Wavy

Well-Known Member
For those ladies who are still not sure what MSM does for the body (hair, skin and nails included) here is some information that might be helpful to you.

What does MSM do?

  • MSM helps our bodies absorb more nutrients (vitamins and minerals).
    Co-enzyme Q10 locks with MSM, which means that in order for the body to fully utilize this nutrient, it must have MSM with it. Pantothenic acid, Vitamins A, D, and E, inter-enzymes, amino acids, selenium, calcium, germanium, collagnol and dismuzyme are just some of the things we know the body does not utilize properly unless it has MSM to lock with. A lot of the vitamins we take go through the body without being fully used. With more MSM in the body, vitamins can be utilized more effectively and therefore become much more beneficial.
    There is a joke that Americans have the most expensive urine in the world because of all the vitamins that go down the drain. Vitamin C does a lot of healing by itself, but without MSM to lock with, it doesn't toughen capillary walls. When MSM is added to the diet and taken with Vitamin C, chronic nosebleeds, easy bruising and varicose veins may be relieved. Vitamin C and MSM work synergistically together. Every body is different, so you would need to find what works for you, but it is important when taking Vitamin C to make certain it has the bioflavinoids with it because it is then a complete food. Nature's vitamins (from fresh food) are the best because they contain the whole complexes without which the body can't do its job, which is to maintain and repair the bodily systems. Without enough MSM, the body can't do its job properly.
  • MSM increases oxygen availability to the body.
    There are people who have had emphysema, who used an atomizer for breathing and could hardly get out of the chair to walk across the room, who, after about a week of taking MSM, walked a half mile, rested and then walked another half mile. Now that is not because emphysema had been reversed, but because the MSM detoxifies and increases the blood's circulation of oxygen. MSM helps get oxygen into the blood a lot more efficiently with the same amount of work.
  • MSM increases energy.
    Energy levels increase with MSM because it helps make the cell walls more permeable. Our cell walls get thicker and more rigid with age; this tends to create a lessening of the amount of nutrients and oxygen that can enter the cell through the cell wall. Also, toxins which get stored in the cell get trapped within the cells because of the lower permeability of the cell wall. When MSM goes into the body the permeability of the cell walls greatly increases, enhancing the absorbtion of nutrients and oxygen and helping release the toxins which were stuck in cells. When these toxins leave the body, it helps to increase our energy.
    A good example of this at work shows up in diabetics. When their blood carries sugar to their cells, the sugar cannot be absorbed due to the impermeability of the cell wall. Studies show that when MSM goes into the body it causes the cell wall to be more permeable again. The pancreas (which requires sulfur to make insulin) normalizes because it doesn't work so hard--blood sugar can now be absorbed through the cell walls, helping to balance the blood sugar level. Because sulfur is a component of insulin (the protein hormone secreted by the pancreas that is essential to carbohydrate metabolism), a lack of nutritional sulfur in the diet can result in low insulin production by the pancreas. Thus, for the diabetic individual, MSM is extremely helpful in improving their overall energy levels.
    There have been reports of long term diabetics injecting insulin daily for years, who have in five weeks to two months become self-regulating and stopped having mood swings. The blood sugar had stabilized. Studies suggest, in those with diabetes, that the cell wall may be more leathery and thus the absorption of sugar by the cells is greatly reduced.
  • MSM helps the body eliminate toxins including lactic acid build-up from strenuous exercise.
    Drinking plenty of water is very important for anyone wishing to have good health. The fact that MSM detoxifies means that you need to keep water moving into the body so that the toxins can be eliminated without stressing other organs of the body, such as the kidneys.
  • MSM dramatically reduces recuperation time from strenuous exercise and long hours of work.
  • MSM relieves muscular aches and pains.
  • MSM helps reduce inflammation due to injury or inflammatory diseases such as arthritis.
    When the water pressure inside a cell is greater than the water pressure on the outside of the cell, there is inflammation and swelling. (The outer and intercellular fluid pressures are not equal.) MSM enhances the permeability of the cell walls, therefore allowing the pressure on both sides of the wall to equalize, thus relieving the inflammation. MSM takes inflammation out of soft tissue and since pain comes from nerves in inflamed soft tissue, there is often relief from the pain of such inflammatory ailments as arthritis, bursitis, rheumatism and hip dysplasia. MSM can help get the flexibility back into the tissues very rapidly. Some people have experienced relief in only 20 minutes! For others, it takes longer.
  • MSM, together with Vitamin C helps the body build healthy new cells.
  • MSM, along with Vitamin C, helps reduce scar tissue and wrinkles, and helps keep the skin more elastic.
  • MSM, along with Vitamin C, helps the hair and nails grow stronger and faster.
  • MSM has been shown to improve mental alertness.
  • MSM has been proven to help in the reduction and even the total elimination of allergies.
    When MSM is added to the diet, anti-allergy medication may be sharply reduced or eliminated. It appears that MSM is the best anti-allergy substance since the introduction of anti-hystamines.
  • MSM reduces headaches, cramps and muscle pain caused by hormonal imbalances, for example, PMS.
    Women who have had monthly menstruation problems often no longer experience the headaches, cramps or muscle plain associated with their periods. Many women have these problems because their hormones are out of balance. The monthly cycle can be a shock to the system. When the hormones are brought into balance, the body functions normally and these painful problems can be vastly reduced or eliminated.
  • MSM helps relieve constipation.
    MSM can help control chronic constipation. Many older people seem to have this problem and it can be a real medical concern. Reportedly many people suffering from constipation have had prompt and continuing relief by supplementing their diet with MSM. A good amount of Vitamin C along with the MSM has proven to be helpful for this condition.
  • MSM has been proven to help reduce and even eliminate snoring.
  • MSM reduces eye membrane irritation (when MSM in a water solution is applied).
MSM is the 4th most plentiful mineral in the body, and so essential to life that it is found in every cell of virtually every animal and plant.
Thanks for posting! As long as I've been here, I've always heard about people using MSM for their hair and never knew what it's actually purpose was. I may try this supplement in the further for overall health.
mica said:
My question about msm is this...Is the liquid form better than the supplement?

I'm not sure about the liquid, but I have taken the capsule, and it was ok, but I now take the powder mixed in with my apple juice and super greens in the morning and I have noticed a huge difference in the way it works in my system. So, I'm guessing the liquid would be better because then it's able to go directly into your system.
MSM did all that for me!!! The most dramatic were no more Zyrtec, no more constipation (too much information??), soft wavy hair, crazy cardio endurance, firmer skin, and slightly less PMS symptoms.

Too bad I was taking it for faster hair growth. :ohwell: I will take MSM for the rest of my days.
I have more energy now. I recently had to leave my place at 4:45 in the morning, and drive to another city. I was not dead tired at the end of the day like I expected to be. In the past, I would have had a hard time getting up the energy to drive back. Something is working.
I've taken it the past 2 years because my allergies are just no joke! (would bring on serious asthma attacks, strawberry hives, ect.) Its enabled me to drop Hydroxyzine which is a stupidly strong medication. my allergies used to LAUGH at allegra:(. Benydryl... heck I took benydryl when it was a script only drug so it does me no good at all.....

I now only need to take allegra during the spring and fall and it WORKS:eek: FOr me, MSM was a blessing and when you have allergies that bad, you'll do what you can to get some relief.

I can't say I saw serious hair benefits until this year though (I think it may be dosage specific for hair)

Personally I won't take anything internally JUST to benefit my hair on my head, the body just don't work that way. If you take something for your hair, its going to affect ALL your hair, not just whats on your head. Thats why I won't take anymore biotin other than whats in my multi-vitamin.

sareca said:
MSM did all that for me!!! The most dramatic were no more Zyrtec, no more constipation (too much information??), soft wavy hair, crazy cardio endurance, firmer skin, and slightly less PMS symptoms.

Too bad I was taking it for faster hair growth. :ohwell: I will take MSM for the rest of my days.

Sareca, how much MSM do you take?
Great Post. I take MSM before and after I work out and it makes a tremendous difference in my recovery time. I need to remember to take it daily.
If you take MSM in combination with Glucosamine, I assume you still get all the "beauty benefits" of MSM.......right?

I take a 500mg Glucosamine w/MSM capsule daily. (hoping mostly for the hair, skin and nail benefits.)
sareca said:
MSM did all that for me!!! The most dramatic were no more Zyrtec, no more constipation (too much information??), soft wavy hair, crazy cardio endurance, firmer skin, and slightly less PMS symptoms.

Too bad I was taking it for faster hair growth. :ohwell: I will take MSM for the rest of my days.

No more Zyrtec?!?!?! really? i've been on that forever (for hives)? I'd LOVE to be hive free and Zyrtec free!!!! How much MSM are you taking daily? And what brand? To get healthier AND have longer, stronger, more beautiful hair and skin?!?!?! Sounds fantastic! AND more endurance?!?!?! since I'm training for a competition and have to do soooo much cardio - that's yet another benefit. Looks like I need to research MSM a lot more!

Any negatives? Is anyone having negative side effects due to MSM?
Amina said:
Which form are u taking MSM in?

The flakes. Denise (Den1) turned me on to them a1msm.com. It's hard to get that much MSM from pills. You just have to take too many.
wyldcurlz said:
No more Zyrtec?!?!?! really? i've been on that forever (for hives)? I'd LOVE to be hive free and Zyrtec free!!!! How much MSM are you taking daily? And what brand? To get healthier AND have longer, stronger, more beautiful hair and skin?!?!?! Sounds fantastic! AND more endurance?!?!?! since I'm training for a competition and have to do soooo much cardio - that's yet another benefit. Looks like I need to research MSM a lot more!

Any negatives? Is anyone having negative side effects due to MSM?
Yep! No more Zyrtec. I was mail ordering them in the 3 month increments because I couldn't go a day w/o them. My allergy test revealed I'm medium-strongly allergic to at least 1 thing every season. I was taking them everyday all year long. I'd even started allergy shots! I take nothing now, nothing!

I totally respect skeptism. If it hadn't happened to me I wouldn't believe it either. All I can say is try it. Worse case, you have a little gas. Best case, it does everything it is supposed to (and you have a little gas). :lachen:

The only two negatives I've experienced are flatulence and detox both were temporary. There's a whole thread on MSM side effects (http://www.longhaircareforum.com/showthread.php?t=79447&page=23&highlight=msm+effects)

ETA: I got mine from a1msm.com. I take MSM flakes. Tastes awful, but you only need a little bit. I take between 4,000-7,000mg/day. I either take a level tsp or a heaped tsp.
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And don't forget to add vitamin C to the mix. You can supplement it with OJ. It stimulates the scalp and circulates more blood flow to the scalp which will increase your growth rate when taking msm!! :brainy:
*Dee* said:
And don't forget to add vitamin C to the mix. You can supplement it with OJ. It stimulates the scalp and circulates more blood flow to the scalp which will increase your growth rate when taking msm!! :brainy:

This is true. :yep: I meant to post this reminder also about vitamin C & MSM.