What does jasmine oil do for hair?


New Member
Yesterday, I had to go out for an appointment and I noticed that I'm running out of almond oil. So i used jasmine oil to seal my moisturizer. As i was on the bus, I felt my hair and to my surpise my hair felt soft and moisturized:eek: Not to mentioned my hair smelled really good.:look:

I can't help but to wonder what are the long term benefit of using Jasmine oil on hair?

Any long time Jasmine oil users? Please let me know.:look:

As a child my mother used it quite regularly. I hated the smell! But i don't remember any adverse effects ( except dripping on your neck-ugh!) sorry i can't be of more help, i haven't used it in over 10 years.
You gonna make me break out the bottle of Jasmine Oil I picked up at the Indian Store a few months ago...I've been using Amla Oil so I haven't even touched the Jasmine yet