What does it mean to reject God?


New Member
Does it mean not to believe in him all together? or does it mean to refuse his help etc?....

I am really going through it and I give up praying to God.

I truely am having a hard time believing in prayer anymore. I believe in God and accept Jesus Christ as my lord and savior, and all other things.

The only prayers I believe in are ones of forgiveness and thankfulness.

God has let me down in a big way, in which I will never recover and I refuse to go to him with issues again,because of the great disappointments,but I don't want him to think I am rejecting him. I just don't buy into it that prayer works anymore. If anything he has granted my worse nightmares coming to pass.

The reason I ask is because I know that is the one sin that is unforgivable and I am not trying to go to h**l. I still love God, I just don't think he work in the way I thought he did.
I was in Sunday morning worship service yesterday with a lot of stuff weighing on my heart and mind... and the one thing that kept ringing through me was that NO MATTER WHAT HAPPENS TO ME, NO MATTER WHAT HAPPENS ON PLANET EARTH, in ANY LIFETIME, Jesus is Lord and He WILL ALWAYS, ALWAYS be the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords. He is still worthy of all praise, honor, and glory.

Then the message preached was "Get Over It", out of Philippians 3:13-14:
"13 No, Christian brothers, I do not have that life yet. But I do one thing. I forget everything that is behind me and look forward to that which is ahead of me. 14 My eyes are on the prize. I want to win the race and get the prize of God's call from heaven through Christ Jesus."

And as I was listening to the sermon, and the speaker talking about situations that people have gone through, from the minor stuff to major stuff, e.g., trauma, rape, divorce, heartache, anger, so on and so forth, after a time, we have to "get over it" and move on because such things will hinder our spiritual and natural health, growth, our very survival.

I don't know what happened, but it sounds like it's fresh and raw and I pray that the peace and comfort of our Lord be with you. The next chapter of Philippians (Phil 4: 6-7) encourages us to "...not worry. Learn to pray about everything. Give thanks to God as you ask Him for what you need. 7 The peace of God is much greater than the human mind can understand. This peace will keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus"

You have free will to reject God...but real relationship means sticking around during the tough times. The Lord is so merciful and compassionate toward you. He knew what would happen even before you did. Draw closer to him, even in your pain. Even if you can't say a word. Even if you have to cry, weep, moan, do it. It's ok. The Lord can handle it.

There's another thread (or several) where people were at very low points in their lives but the Lord was with them through it, even though it didn't feel/seem like it. I was there, too...and I was like um, Lord, nice knowing You. I'm out. And that whole summer, this song "I've Got a Job, working for Jesus" KEPT PLAYING on the radio. I mean KEPT PLAYING. Maybe to the point that everytime I got in the car to go somewhere, that song would play at some point. And then I would find/catch myself singing that song and then I would be like NO! Nope! I'm not doing ANYTHING for Jesus anymore. But thank the Lord that the Lord knew my heart and he did not condemn me for my foolish words....

Again, whatever happened, the Lord is greater. He loves you and if you would let Him, allow His peace and comfort to have free course in your life at this delicate time.


Does it mean not to believe in him all together? or does it mean to refuse his help etc?....

I am really going through it and I give up praying to God.

I truely am having a hard time believing in prayer anymore. I believe in God and accept Jesus Christ as my lord and savior, and all other things.

The only prayers I believe in are ones of forgiveness and thankfulness.

God has let me down in a big way, in which I will never recover and I refuse to go to him with issues again,because of the great disappointments,but I don't want him to think I am rejecting him. I just don't buy into it that prayer works anymore. If anything he has granted my worse nightmares coming to pass.

The reason I ask is because I know that is the one sin that is unforgivable and I am not trying to go to h**l. I still love God, I just don't think he work in the way I thought he did.

I know this route all too well. :ohwell: I'm learning that He stirs up things in our lives in order to open up a new chapter. He tests our faith and brings about events for change all in one.

Give it up to Him. All those feeings, doubt, fear..whatever. Just be honest and tell Him. Go to Him with everything you just said. I felt so much better about my own storm when I just fell out in the floor, cried, and told Him that I surrendered. Only then was I able to soften my hard head to what He was trying to show me and only then was He able to work with me.

Just surrender.

Disclaimer: I'm not part of the perfect Christian club, so you can take what I said with a grain of salt.
I hear what you are saying and I thank you, but I am all out of gas.

That's when turning to Him is best. He'll give you the strength even when you don't think you can pray...or when you don't even want to pray! Trust.:yep: If He can give me a hand after all the things I said to Him, about Him, and against Him...then He can definitely bless you when you feel you can't keep going. If you can't pray, just talk. Confess. Be honest. That's all He wants. Give Him something to work with so that He can show you the end of your storm.

Ok. Off to follow my own advice now. :lachen:
See this is what is so confusing and does not make sense to me. I have been told time and time again God gives us the desires of our hearts. It's suppose to be a promise.

Then I have heard what you said about God shaking things up. I have also heard that God will close one door to make way for another door to open before.

Now why would he shut the door on one of your only desires, when he is suppose to give you the desires of your heart? I don't ask for much and what about all of this talk about keeping the faith for what you want to happen? Would that not defeat the purpose of prayer in the first place?
That's when turning to Him is best. He'll give you the strength even when you don't think you can pray...or when you don't even want to pray! Trust.:yep: If He can give me a hand after all the things I said to Him, about Him, and against Him...then He can definitely bless you when you feel you can't keep going. If you can't pray, just talk. Confess. Be honest. That's all He wants. Give Him something to work with so that He can show you the end of your storm.

Ok. Off to follow my own advice now. :lachen:

hee hee.
It use to be that simple for me, now I just don't buy into a lot of things after what I have saw and went through.
See this is what is so confusing and does not make sense to me. I have been told time and time again God gives us the desires of our hearts. It's suppose to be a promise.

Then I have heard what you said about God shaking things up. I have also heard that God will close one door to make way for another door to open before.

Now why would he shut the door on one of your only desires, when he is suppose to give you the desires of your heart? I don't ask for much and what about all of this talk about keeping the faith for what you want to happen? Would that not defeat the purpose of prayer in the first place?

Time for some tough love....

Here's another example of going to the Word for yourself to know what it says....

The scripture that you (may be) referring to is Psalm 37:4: "Delight thyself also in the LORD: and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart."

Gotta read the WHOLE SCRIPTURE...in context....

And, who said that the door is shut? Somebody told me once that delays are not denials. Or, the larger issue of trust says that "ok, Lord, if You shut that door, then You DEFINITELY got something better for me!" Amen!

The Sunday sermon I mentioned earlier, the speaker talked about instead of focusing on what we don't have, we should instead focus on what the Lord has so graciously done for us.... Praise the Lord for His goodness toward us for what He HAS DONE....praise confuses the enemy!

I have a list of desires that I'm believing for manifestation in 2008. It's a short list, but it's a list...a short list with BIG desires....

But when I think of the goodness of Jesus, and all He has done for me, my soul cries out Hallelujah!

I know that's cliche, but when it's good, it's real good... and I get very grateful....

And I go back to what I said earlier, if that thing doesn't happen, God is still God.... that's where (real) trust is....
See this is what is so confusing and does not make sense to me. I have been told time and time again God gives us the desires of our hearts. It's suppose to be a promise.

Then I have heard what you said about God shaking things up. I have also heard that God will close one door to make way for another door to open before.

Now why would he shut the door on one of your only desires, when he is suppose to give you the desires of your heart? I don't ask for much and what about all of this talk about keeping the faith for what you want to happen? Would that not defeat the purpose of prayer in the first place?

Why are you talking about my personal struggle!?:whyme: Why?:lachen: I promise it sounds as if you are speaking directly about what I am STILL going through...4 years after He started shaking my life up. I'm STILL coping.

Maybe I can articulate this on a somewhat understandable level:

There are things we desire that we have to REALLY evaluate
1) why we want them
2) would it be serving G*d BEST by having this desire
3) is this really best for us or do we just think it is best because we greatly desire it?

If G*d is pushing your life in another direction, then He might be trying to steer you in another way for your own good. He is not going to give us all of our hearts desires when He can look into the future and see it is not best for us in the long run. We, as humans, do not have this quality most of the time. That's when trust/faith etc. come into play. That's when we have to trust that He knows what He is doing, even when we don't understand at the time. It could be that He is showing you another way to your desire OR that He is shutting it off because it really won't give you the results you think it will. You have to turn to Him and ask about it. Again, only He knows what is best.

Why am I crying while typing this? :sad:

Anyway, I personally know that when our desires are not in-line with His plan for us and the growth/joy/happiness He sees us having, He will shut that door. He will stir things up and try to show us that even though we desire it, it's not for us (or we have to go another route to get there or that we need to move on to something better and tailor made for us).

This calls for prayer even more. When you have questions about your life and what's going on that He can only answer, ask Him with an open heart! Use the Bible to quote Him and show Him what He said He promised you.

again, only sharing my experience.
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See this is what is so confusing and does not make sense to me. I have been told time and time again God gives us the desires of our hearts. It's suppose to be a promise.

Then I have heard what you said about God shaking things up. I have also heard that God will close one door to make way for another door to open before.

Now why would he shut the door on one of your only desires, when he is suppose to give you the desires of your heart? I don't ask for much and what about all of this talk about keeping the faith for what you want to happen? Would that not defeat the purpose of prayer in the first place?
Not knowing your situation makes it hard to be more specific. God grants us the desires of our heart if those desires are according to His will. He is not going to go against someone else's will to give us what we want either. Some people have this genie/magician type belief in God. I prayed now give it to me. It's not like that. Everything we want is not good for us and sometimes it's just not the right time. We'd destroy it, others or ourselves if He gave it to us. When it comes to prayers for others we can intercede on their behalf but ultimately what goes on is between that person and God. Sometimes folks set stuff in motion in a way that we may not see the cause of their troubles just the end result and want to blame God for someones choices.
Because we have free will, God is not going to force us to do anything. So if there is a desire we have and the Lord has given an answer on it but if we want to do our own thing, He's not going to stop us. I know if situations where the person was told not to marry this guy and she went ahead and got married anyway and it turned out to be an abusive situation. Thankfully she's married to a wonderful man today.

So just like God is not going to force us, He's not going to force somebody else to do something to fit our desires. That would be witchcraft and God ain't into that....
Why are you talking about my personal struggle!?:whyme: Why?:lachen: I promise it sounds as if you are speaking directly about what I am STILL going through...4 years after He started shaking my life up. I'm STILL coping.

Maybe I can articulate this on a somewhat understandable level:

There are things we desire that we have to REALLY evaluate
1) why we want them
2) would it be serving G*d BEST by having this desire
3) is this really best for us or do we just think it is best because we greatly desire it?

If G*d is pushing your life in another direction, then He might be trying to steer you in another way for your own good. He is not going to give us all of our hearts desires when He can look into the future and see it is not best for us in the long run. We, as humans, do not have this quality most of the time. That's when trust/faith etc. come into play. That's when we have to trust that He knows what He is doing, even when we don't understand at the time. It could be that He is showing you another way to your desire OR that He is shutting it off because it really won't give you the results you think it will. You have to turn to Him and ask about it. Again, only He knows what is best.

Why am I crying while typing this? :sad:

Anyway, I personally know that when our desires are not in-line with His plan for us and the growth/joy/happiness He sees us having, He will shut that door. He will stir things up and try to show us that even though we desire it, it's not for us (or we have to go another route to get there or that we need to move on to something better and tailor made for us).

This calls for prayer even more. When you have questions about your life and what's going on that He can only answer, ask Him with an open heart! Use the Bible to quote Him and show Him what He said He promised you.

again, only sharing my experience.

Those are some good questions to ask. However. God himself has put a dream in my heart and have shown me signs time and time again about it being for me and where I am to be. I got all worked up happy and hopeful for it, only to have it taken away. Why would God place the desire in my heart if he had not intention of me going through with it.

I just wish that if God closes one door why then doesn't take away that desire as well.

Everything is God's will regardless of what we want. Why then must we suffer for or want things not to be? Put its Gods world he can do what he wants.
[quote=kally;4620767]Does it mean not to believe in him all together? or does it mean to refuse his help etc?....

I am really going through it and I give up praying to God.

I truely am having a hard time believing in prayer anymore. I believe in God and accept Jesus Christ as my lord and savior, and all other things.

The only prayers I believe in are ones of forgiveness and thankfulness.

God has let me down in a big way, in which I will never recover and I refuse to go to him with issues again,because of the great disappointments,but I don't want him to think I am rejecting him. I just don't buy into it that prayer works anymore. If anything he has granted my worse nightmares coming to pass.

The reason I ask is because I know that is the one sin that is unforgivable and I am not trying to go to h**l. I still love God, I just don't think he work in the way I thought he did.[/quote]

Sorry that u feel that way Kally.
But did u know that God never rejects us we reject him. :yep: Of course, we are imperfect but by our reactions and actions which, speaks louder than words.
See, sometimes we may pray for things to happen and especially in a certain way, u know by our accord, but sometimes God has it mapped out a different way for us. We may want a answer to our prayer right away at that moment but he may have another plan for us later down the road and he may forsee that.

In the bible ( King James Version) at Psalms 55:22

Cast thy burden upon the LORD, and he shall sustain thee: he shall never suffer the righteous to be moved.

So basically the scriputure says to throw your burdens on God and he will sustain you and he will never allow the righteous one to

Also at Joshua 1:

There shall not any man be able to stand before thee all the days of thy life: as I was with Moses, so I will be with thee: I will not fail thee, nor forsake thee.
Heb 13:5 Deut 31:6, 8

That scripture says he will never leave you

Kally this is basically how God talks and speaks to us through the bible because it is his Word
I know we all get a little discouraged but we have to put our trust in and have faith in God and rely on him
We must also have the right heart condition because we can say one thing but yet our heart states another
1 Peter 3:1212

For the eyes of the Lord are over the righteous, and his ears are open unto their prayers: but the face of the Lord is against them that do evil.
Psa 34:15,16 ( I'm not saying this is you)

Kally remember God is forgiving
Not knowing your situation makes it hard to be more specific. God grants us the desires of our heart if those desires are according to His will. He is not going to go against someone else's will to give us what we want either. Some people have this genie/magician type belief in God. I prayed now give it to me. It's not like that. Everything we want is not good for us and sometimes it's just not the right time. We'd destroy it, others or ourselves if He gave it to us. When it comes to prayers for others we can intercede on their behalf but ultimately what goes on is between that person and God. Sometimes folks set stuff in motion in a way that we may not see the cause of their troubles just the end result and want to blame God for someones choices.

Painful, but so true.
Because we have free will, God is not going to force us to do anything. So if there is a desire we have and the Lord has given an answer on it but if we want to do our own thing, He's not going to stop us. I know if situations where the person was told not to marry this guy and she went ahead and got married anyway and it turned out to be an abusive situation. Thankfully she's married to a wonderful man today.

So just like God is not going to force us, He's not going to force somebody else to do something to fit our desires. That would be witchcraft and God ain't into that....

Yeah I hear things like that a lot. In cases like that, why does God allow the person to love a person like that from the begining. I know he can super naturally place her feelings with the right man. When then must she go through wanting the abusive person.
[quote=kally;4620767]Does it mean not to believe in him all together? or does it mean to refuse his help etc?....

I am really going through it and I give up praying to God.

I truely am having a hard time believing in prayer anymore. I believe in God and accept Jesus Christ as my lord and savior, and all other things.

The only prayers I believe in are ones of forgiveness and thankfulness.

God has let me down in a big way, in which I will never recover and I refuse to go to him with issues again,because of the great disappointments,but I don't want him to think I am rejecting him. I just don't buy into it that prayer works anymore. If anything he has granted my worse nightmares coming to pass.

The reason I ask is because I know that is the one sin that is unforgivable and I am not trying to go to h**l. I still love God, I just don't think he work in the way I thought he did.

Sorry that u feel that way Kally.
But did u know that God never rejects us we reject him. :yep: Of course, we are imperfect but by our reactions and actions which, speaks louder than words.
See, sometimes we may pray for things to happen and especially in a certain way, u know by our accord, but sometimes God has it mapped out a different way for us. We may want a answer to our prayer right away at that moment but he may have another plan for us later down the road and he may forsee that.

In the bible ( King James Version) at Psalms 55:22

Cast thy burden upon the LORD, and he shall sustain thee: he shall never suffer the righteous to be moved.

So basically the scriputure says to throw your burdens on God and he will sustain you and he will never allow the righteous one to

Also at Joshua 1:

There shall not any man be able to stand before thee all the days of thy life: as I was with Moses, so I will be with thee: I will not fail thee, nor forsake thee.
Heb 13:5 Deut 31:6, 8

That scripture says he will never leave you

Kally this is basically how God talks and speaks to us through the bible because it is his Word
I know we all get a little discouraged but we have to put our trust in and have faith in God and rely on him
We must also have the right heart condition because we can say one thing but yet our heart states another
1 Peter 3:1212

For the eyes of the Lord are over the righteous, and his ears are open unto their prayers: but the face of the Lord is against them that do evil.
Psa 34:15,16 ( I'm not saying this is you)

Kally remember God is forgiving[/QUOTE]

So true. I guess I am just having a hard time trying to figure it all out and getting scared of doing no no's in the process.
Sorry if any of this has brought anyone down. I have really been working on being more positive.

Sometimes all I need is different prospectives. I over analize things to much ,so just reading the bible does not do it for me.
Yeah I hear things like that a lot. In cases like that, why does God allow the person to love a person like that from the begining. I know he can super naturally place her feelings with the right man. When then must she go through wanting the abusive person.

Again, free will.... God didn't "allow" her to love a person like that.... And it wasn't like the dude pulled out his "abusive" card from jump. Maybe it was there dormant or it just popped up out of nowhere. Only God knows that part....

The right man can come along and we can be so mixed up we can miss our blessing because it may not "look" or "sound" like we think it's supposed to sound or look.

Because of free will, we have the power of CHOICE. We have this "flesh" to get past to get to our true nature: our spiritual selves and discern what's "love" versus "lust"; what's "love" versus filling a God-shaped void with a human.

And sometimes you can sincerely and truly love a person with all your heart but 1) if God says not that one or 2) the one you love doesn't want to stay, then you gotta choose to move on (with the Lord). Not saying this is easy, but it does no good to wallow in quickstand.
Does it mean not to believe in him all together? or does it mean to refuse his help etc?....
It means just what it is, to reject him and not want him in your life. That doesn't mean that he will actually go anywhere. Sometimes our hearts can trick our heads into thinking we're ready to turn away from God, but you have to recognize that during those times of doubt, that is when the enemy waits for an opening and adds exponentially to your doubt until you get to the point where you not only turn from God because you're a little upset, but you turn to evil things. You are not there. The fact that you are asking is proof
I am really going through it and I give up praying to God.

I truely am having a hard time believing in prayer anymore. I believe in God and accept Jesus Christ as my lord and savior, and all other things.

The only prayers I believe in are ones of forgiveness and thankfulness.

You can give up all you want, but God knows what's really in your heart. He isn't going to give up on you because you still love him. You're just not pleased right now. Even if you never say another prayer, you can bet that there is someone standing in the gap right now as we speak, praying for you and on your behalf---His name is Holy Spirit.

God has let me down in a big way, in which I will never recover and I refuse to go to him with issues again,because of the great disappointments,but I don't want him to think I am rejecting him. I just don't buy into it that prayer works anymore. If anything he has granted my worse nightmares coming to pass.
God can't let you down. He can make things come to pass that are in his will though. God isn't on your time or your plan. You are on his time and his plan and everything should be for his glory. Now was your situation for his glory or for your own glory? Think about it. Sometimes God will take a situation out of your life if he sees that that situation is moving you further away from him, remember, our God is a jealous God, he doesn't want you worshipping anyone or anything more that you worship him.

The reason I ask is because I know that is the one sin that is unforgivable and I am not trying to go to h**l. I still love God, I just don't think he work in the way I thought he did.

If you love God and accept Jesus as your saviour, then you are forgiven. Grace has been given to you. This feeling will pass. I can't tell you to stop it, because I don't know the situation, but I bet that through this hard time, your testimony is being built up so that you can be an encouragement to someone else who goes through a similar situation. God never does anything with the intention on abandoning us. He may have done this "thing" in your life for a reason that you may not know until he is ready for you to know. Couldn't things have been worse? Couldn't you be starving, homeless, without family and friends, without a saviour. What if you never knew Jesus at all. Wouldn 't that be worse than what you are going through now? What if you died the day before Jesus entered your heart and you had to spend eternity in Hell, wouldn't that be worse? I'm just saying. Take it to God. Don't call it prayer, call it a conversation and just like you are talking to us here talk to God. He already knows how you feel, you can't hide it from him by not talking directly to him, but he wont step in and help you if he feels that you wont come to him.
How much of this "thing" are you personally responsible for? What part did you play in the end result? Could you have done anything differently? Did you try to take advantage of God by shirking on your part and expecting God to do his part and yours too?

Sorry if it's a little harsh, but I love you too much as a Sister in Christ to tell it to you all sugar coated and prissy-like. Get mad, yell, scream, talk to God and you'll feel better in time.
Sorry if any of this has brought anyone down. I have really been working on being more positive.

Sometimes all I need is different prospectives. I over analize things to much ,so just reading the bible does not do it for me.

Contrary to popular belief, reading the Bible is not what does anything. it is when you accept what the Bible says as the truth from God. That is what does it, because then you open your spirit up to the Holy Spirit and He can come in and minister to you in words that aren't even in the Bible, but that are directly from God and specifically for you. The Bible is the guideline. none of our names are specifically mentioned in the Bible, but we should look at the examples in the Bible as a starting point and begin to apply the principles in the Bible to ourselves. Maybe if we knew your specific situation, someone could point you to some specific scriptures. Or better yet, maybe someone on here could identify with your situation and come to you on a personal level. Sometimes the testimony of an overcomer is what we need when we are in the midst of a battle
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See this is what is so confusing and does not make sense to me. I have been told time and time again God gives us the desires of our hearts. It's suppose to be a promise.

Then I have heard what you said about God shaking things up. I have also heard that God will close one door to make way for another door to open before.

Now why would he shut the door on one of your only desires, when he is suppose to give you the desires of your heart? I don't ask for much and what about all of this talk about keeping the faith for what you want to happen? Would that not defeat the purpose of prayer in the first place?

God gives us the desires of our hearts when our desires gloryify him and line up with his Law and his plan for us as outlined in the Bible. We are the decendents of Abraham and will receive that blessing that God promised him, but only if we line ourselves up with God's way. I desire a house that I have had my eye on, I desire a new car(s), I desire a job. I know God will give that to me, but I know that my intentions behind my desires have to be right with God before he will release the blessing. For example, I want a job but I am habitually late for everything. God isn't going to be able to bless me with a job , until I get myself right so that I can handle the blessing when I get it. Why would God waste a good job on me when 9 times out of 10 I would get fired for being late every day? That's my own fault, not God's.
Again, free will.... God didn't "allow" her to love a person like that.... And it wasn't like the dude pulled out his "abusive" card from jump. Maybe it was there dormant or it just popped up out of nowhere. Only God knows that part....

The right man can come along and we can be so mixed up we can miss our blessing because it may not "look" or "sound" like we think it's supposed to sound or look.

Because of free will, we have the power of CHOICE. We have this "flesh" to get past to get to our true nature: our spiritual selves and discern what's "love" versus "lust"; what's "love" versus filling a God-shaped void with a human.

And sometimes you can sincerely and truly love a person with all your heart but 1) if God says not that one or 2) the one you love doesn't want to stay, then you gotta choose to move on (with the Lord). Not saying this is easy, but it does no good to wallow in quickstand.

I hate the way things work, but you are so right.
It means just what it is, to reject him and not want him in your life. That doesn't mean that he will actually go anywhere. Sometimes our hearts can trick our heads into thinking we're ready to turn away from God, but you have to recognize that during those times of doubt, that is when the enemy waits for an opening and adds exponentially to your doubt until you get to the point where you not only turn from God because you're a little upset, but you turn to evil things. You are not there. The fact that you are asking is proof

You can give up all you want, but God knows what's really in your heart. He isn't going to give up on you because you still love him. You're just not pleased right now. Even if you never say another prayer, you can bet that there is someone standing in the gap right now as we speak, praying for you and on your behalf---His name is Holy Spirit.

God can't let you down. He can make things come to pass that are in his will though. God isn't on your time or your plan. You are on his time and his plan and everything should be for his glory. Now was your situation for his glory or for your own glory? Think about it. Sometimes God will take a situation out of your life if he sees that that situation is moving you further away from him, remember, our God is a jealous God, he doesn't want you worshipping anyone or anything more that you worship him.

If you love God and accept Jesus as your saviour, then you are forgiven. Grace has been given to you. This feeling will pass. I can't tell you to stop it, because I don't know the situation, but I bet that through this hard time, your testimony is being built up so that you can be an encouragement to someone else who goes through a similar situation. God never does anything with the intention on abandoning us. He may have done this "thing" in your life for a reason that you may not know until he is ready for you to know. Couldn't things have been worse? Couldn't you be starving, homeless, without family and friends, without a saviour. What if you never knew Jesus at all. Wouldn 't that be worse than what you are going through now? What if you died the day before Jesus entered your heart and you had to spend eternity in Hell, wouldn't that be worse? I'm just saying. Take it to God. Don't call it prayer, call it a conversation and just like you are talking to us here talk to God. He already knows how you feel, you can't hide it from him by not talking directly to him, but he wont step in and help you if he feels that you wont come to him.
How much of this "thing" are you personally responsible for? What part did you play in the end result? Could you have done anything differently? Did you try to take advantage of God by shirking on your part and expecting God to do his part and yours too?

Sorry if it's a little harsh, but I love you too much as a Sister in Christ to tell it to you all sugar coated and prissy-like. Get mad, yell, scream, talk to God and you'll feel better in time.

I don't think that is harsh at all. Yeah not even knowing Jesus or that he is my savior is the worse thing in the world. When it comes to something being in glory of God or myself, that is were it gets confusing. To tell you the truth it is almost as if I am under sometiype of spell or curse.

I guess I thought I was doing my part, but maybe not enough.
Contrary to popular belief, reading the Bible is not what does anything. it is when you accept what the Bible says as the truth from God. That is what does it, because then you open your spirit up to the Holy Spirit and He can come in and minister to you in words that aren't even in the Bible, but that are directly from God and specifically for you. The Bible is the guideline. none of our names are specifically mentioned in the Bible, but we should look at the examples in the Bible as a starting point and begin to apply the principles in the Bible to ourselves. Maybe if we knew your specific situation, someone could point you to some specific scriptures. Or better yet, maybe someone on here could identify with your situation and come to you on a personal level. Sometimes the testimony of an overcomer is what we need when we are in the midst of a battle

I can't say what it was, It is to long and embarrasing to even admit to, but everything I am reading here is on point.
God gives us the desires of our hearts when our desires gloryify him and line up with his Law and his plan for us as outlined in the Bible. We are the decendents of Abraham and will receive that blessing that God promised him, but only if we line ourselves up with God's way. I desire a house that I have had my eye on, I desire a new car(s), I desire a job. I know God will give that to me, but I know that my intentions behind my desires have to be right with God before he will release the blessing. For example, I want a job but I am habitually late for everything. God isn't going to be able to bless me with a job , until I get myself right so that I can handle the blessing when I get it. Why would God waste a good job on me when 9 times out of 10 I would get fired for being late every day? That's my own fault, not God's.

I thought mine did. I even changed a lot of my ways to please him. I guess I misread the signs. I am at fault however for letting myself be fooled.
I thought mine did. I even changed a lot of my ways to please him. I guess I misread the signs. I am at fault however for letting myself be fooled.

That's a major sign: when you try to be something other than who you are in order to please/fit/belong, etc.. Of course I'm not talking about self-improvement or breaking destructive habits/behaviors, but when you start to compromise or try to stifle yourself to be accepted, that's a troubling sign.

The Lord takes us as we are. And (I'm speculating here) when we talk about relating to others, esp. in pursuit of something long term, then we want to be free to be ourselves, yes? The pretty and the unpretty... the good and the not so good....

Kally, here's an opportunity to use this situation as a STEPPING STONE and not a STUMBLING BLOCK.... Hang on to Jesus.... He says He will never leave us or forsake us. He has not forsaken you.
That's a major sign: when you try to be something other than who you are in order to please/fit/belong, etc.. Of course I'm not talking about self-improvement or breaking destructive habits/behaviors, but when you start to compromise or try to stifle yourself to be accepted, that's a troubling sign.

The Lord takes us as we are. And (I'm speculating here) when we talk about relating to others, esp. in pursuit of something long term, then we want to be free to be ourselves, yes? The pretty and the unpretty... the good and the not so good....

Kally, here's an opportunity to use this situation as a STEPPING STONE and not a STUMBLING BLOCK.... Hang on to Jesus.... He says He will never leave us or forsake us. He has not forsaken you.

I meant to say I changed a lot of my ways to please God. I had a lot of selfish, hateful, fornicating ways,and other issues. I thought by doing all of these things, I would please God more and so that he could bless me.
I meant to say I changed a lot of my ways to please God. I had a lot of selfish, hateful, fornicating ways,and other issues. I thought by doing all of these things, I would please God more and so that he could bless me.

Hmm.... ok... well... it is pleasing to the Lord for us to show and be loving toward others.... I think you are on the right track toward the wrong outcome "so that He could bless me" versus "I want to please the Lord because I LOVE THE LORD".... Follow what I'm saying here?

It brings to mind these scriptures:

Mark 7: 5 Then the Pharisees and scribes asked Him, “Why do Your disciples not walk according to the tradition of the elders, but eat bread with unwashed hands?” 6 He answered and said to them, “Well did Isaiah prophesy of you hypocrites, as it is written: This people honors Me with their lips, But their heart is far from Me. 7 And in vain they worship Me, Teaching as doctrines the commandments of men."

Hebrews 9:11-15But when the Messiah arrived, high priest of the superior things of this new covenant, he bypassed the old tent and its trappings in this created world and went straight into heaven's "tent"—the true Holy Place—once and for all. He also bypassed the sacrifices consisting of goat and calf blood, instead using his own blood as the price to set us free once and for all. If that animal blood and the other rituals of purification were effective in cleaning up certain matters of our religion and behavior, think how much more the blood of Christ cleans up our whole lives, inside and out. Through the Spirit, Christ offered himself as an unblemished sacrifice, freeing us from all those dead-end efforts to make ourselves respectable, so that we can live all out for God. (The Message)
The Lord knows our hearts. He recognizes sincere repentence and submission unto Him. I'm wanting to be careful what I say here because I don't want to seem as if I'm pointing my finger at you and accusing you of being fake toward the Lord. That is not my intention at all. What I want to encourage you to think about is to consider and revisit your desires for the Lord...like when you first knew Him...and what drew you to Him....

The Lord certainly wants to bless you...but He wants your HEART more. And when you get good in deep into the Lord, the blessings will come but you know what, it won't be the blessings that stir you. It will be the presence of Almighty God that you will want even more....