What does it mean to "dust your ends"?


New Member
What does it mean to \"dust your ends\"?

And how's that different from trimming? 'cuz I'd like to "dust" or "trim" my ends myself 'cuz I'm telling you I don't trust those hair places! But I'm also scared of any split end breaking all the way, ya know. /images/graemlins/crazy.gif
Re: What does it mean to \"dust your ends\"?

Porkypig007 (cute username) Welcome to the board.

To dust the hair means to basically trim such a tiny amount off the ends that it falls off like dust. That's the best way to describe it. Where with a trim you may take off anything which seems small to 1/4 inch this is very teeny tiny bits off the ends.

Hope that helps /images/graemlins/smile.gif
Re: What does it mean to \"dust your ends\"?

So it's safer to dust your ends then? But won't you eventually need a trim though? Like, I'm thinking you can only dust for so long? 'cuz it's not really a "trim", ya know?
Sorry for all the questions.
Re: What does it mean to \"dust your ends\"?

I personally wouldn't say dust your ends every few weeks or so, I'd say protect and moisturise the ends every day as much as you can by using an oil or cream on the ends also keeping them away from certain fabrics like wools and certain scarves. Protect your hair with something silky like silk or satin at night.

Trim your hair when you think it needs trimming rather than do an every 8 week rule. i find that works best for me. That way you hang on to the healthier hair rather than trimming before it's necessary. I don't dust either regularly. I light trim maybe twice a year if that maybe taking off about an 1/8 of an inch each time. I did this the other day and it maked the world of difference to my hair. Everyone's hair is very different and prone to dryer ends or splits. I'm lucky in that instance that I don't get splits at all.

You can either trim for healthier ends or for basic appearance of the hair to neaten up its shape or creat the look of fuller looking hair.

Oh and please ASK AWAY that's what this board is all about. We are ALL here to help one another. The ladies do not mind at all