What does it do, really? (Oil as a Pre-Poo)

Glib Gurl

Well-Known Member
So, I've recently (well not recently, but at least more consistently) been using oil as a pre-poo. I used to use VO5 and then Queen Helene and now I use Global Goddess Coconut Alma Revitalizing Treatment (and I :love: it). Anyways, I notice that the pre-poos certainly "work" for me - my hair comes out feeling soft and well moisturized and whatnot. What I don't get is the literal "how" of it. I mean, it's a PRE-poo . . . so, how do you get all those great benefits if you're washing it out?

Can someone 'splain it to me?

P.S. - I buy the GG oil for cheap on eBay . . . it's good, but $45? Please! :rolleyes:
So, I've recently (well not recently, but at least more consistently) been using oil as a pre-poo. I used to use VO5 and then Queen Helene and now I use Global Goddess Coconut Alma Revitalizing Treatment (and I :love: it). Anyways, I notice that the pre-poos certainly "work" for me - my hair comes out feeling soft and well moisturized and whatnot. What I don't get is the literal "how" of it. I mean, it's a PRE-poo . . . so, how do you get all those great benefits if you're washing it out?

Can someone 'splain it to me?

P.S. - I buy the GG oil for cheap on eBay . . . it's good, but $45? Please! :rolleyes:

Hi Glib!!! LOVE your hair!!!!
matches your avatar well:yep: - anyway - HOT oil has been really helpful for me... I think the coconut oil has been most impressive - because the oil penetrates the hair shaft....:lick: YEA!

Anyhoo.... It has been helpful for me.

Shampoo does not kill your hair IMO - if you pre poo....

ETA: oh yea - 45 bucks for coconut oil - UHH Heck naw!!! Looks yummy though!:afro:
hey there....the prepoo protects the hair from the harsh chemicals in the shampoos....

it gives the hair a protective layer so that the shampoos remove the dirt + the extra oils in the prepoo......... while not stripping the hair of all its other oils (hope that makes sense)...:spinning:

thats my opinion and why i also prepoo....hth
Thanks for asking about this. I've been curious about oil pre poos too....but clearly not curious enough to post the question. lol lol lol

I used poo tonight too...with no pre poo. :-(
At least I know better now.
Funny because I'm sitting here with a head full of EVOO/JBCO under a shower cap. I also have dry scalp, and pre-poo treatments help with that as well. Additionally, my hair hates oils in any other fashion. They weigh my hair down way too much.
So should you pre-poo before using a chelating poo? And if the shampoo can't cut thru the pre-poo oil is it really cleaning your scalp and hair? I'm confused. I usually pre-poo with DC and and a little EVOO mixed in but that's only because I sleep in it. I hate jumping in and out of the shower 2 times. And I only use poo to chelate if I'm using lots of product. Generally, I just rinse will baking soda, and watered down cheapie condish to remove the ick...
But I'm open... Anyone else care to weigh in on this?
Funny because I'm sitting here with a head full of EVOO/JBCO under a shower cap. I also have dry scalp, and pre-poo treatments help with that as well. Additionally, my hair hates oils in any other fashion. They weigh my hair down way too much.

Well I might try pre-pooing.....but wait. I don't use SHAMPOO. Can I still pre-poo without shampooing? Can I pre-poo before cleansing? But the only reason why I don't use oils is because it weighs my hair down, makes it greasy and limp and although IF I flat iron its straight straight straight, I hate it being greasy.

I do like coconut oil though because my hair eats it up!
Thanks for posting this question! I prepoo with Amla oil just because I love it and can't think of any other way to incorporate it into my reggie. It's got mineral oil in it and it's kinda funky so I wouldn't want to use it much after a fresh wash; also I understand it thickens hair with regular pre-poo use. Come on wit da thickness!

I don't really understand how it's helping either, except for the delivery of the good nutrients in it to my hair and locking in moisture? Right before wash, my hair is always super moist when I coat it with Amla. I even spritz it a little more with my brhingaraj/green tea/glycerine moisturizer before oiling. After I wash with my lavendar shikakai soap my hair is crazy soft. And after a DC? Forget it, my hair is the bomb. So, I still dunno exactly what the pre-poo is doing but my hair is loving it so I'll just keep doin what I'm doin. :yep:
Hi Glib!!! LOVE your hair!!!!
matches your avatar well:yep: - anyway - HOT oil has been really helpful for me... I think the coconut oil has been most impressive - because the oil penetrates the hair shaft....:lick: YEA!

Anyhoo.... It has been helpful for me.

Shampoo does not kill your hair IMO - if you pre poo....

ETA: oh yea - 45 bucks for coconut oil - UHH Heck naw!!! Looks yummy though!:afro:

Yes :yep:, I preoo with cond + oil faithfully at every wash....
i prepoo with sweet almond oil and it leaves my hair soft. i do shampoo (sls) free though, condition and deep condition. i'm not sure what exactly it does but it works...:)
I didn't know anything about prepooing religously before I came to this site. And it is a big benefit to my hair. Before I would do it maybe once a month just because I felt like it. But every wash is really good for me now.
I pre-poo with olive or coconut oils because I am preparing my hair for the detangling process and removal of the shed hair (since I don't comb) and the wash the day after. The over night pre pooing is like an oil treatment for me. It makes my hair so soft and easy to detangle without any water whatsoever. So before I start to wash my hair is fully detangled without any breakage. I am really impressed by that and I am glad that I added that step to my wash regimen.
Glad others were interested in this topic too. I felt dumb for posting it - I've been here for almost 2 years and thought folks would be like, "Uh, why don't you know this already?"

Thanks for all of the feedback ladies! I'm interested to hear other responses (especially about the chelating shampoos).
Glad others were interested in this topic too. I felt dumb for posting it - I've been here for almost 2 years and thought folks would be like, "Uh, why don't you know this already?"

Thanks for all of the feedback ladies! I'm interested to hear other responses (especially about the chelating shampoos).

:lachen:Pluleese - I feel like I know nothing around here.... We are all Stumblin....

All's I know is Pre Poos - have changed my hair - and brought it to life.... ( yea, I know, it is dead)

So I won't ever stop...

I also use castile soap - so no Shampoos for me...
I did my first pre poo today and my hair has never felt like this!! I used some Garnier Fructis fortifying conditioner (the strength and repair one) and some optimum oil therapy ultimate recovery conditioner by soft sheen carson...then i added olive, castor, carrot and tea tree oil and mixed it all up...my hair felt so yummy afterwards!!:yay::woot:
Thanks for the post i didnt know what pre pooing was or how how it helped your hair, next time i poo i think i'm going to have to try it.
Well pre-pooing not only keeps my hair from feeling stripped, but it works as a great hot oil treatment for me especially in the winter. So I do it for both.
I used castor oil to prepoo with this morning, I used ORS Creamy Aloe Shampoo after it though. The oil softened and "stretched" out my hair a bit, so that it wasn't packed down as tightly. I felt like I could get the shampoo all the way through it faster and easier, and I noticed fewer tangles that can lead to broken hairs.
i tried it with castor oil last time I washed and my hair felt nice afterward. I tried it again but I'm not sure I cleaned it up enough...hair didn't exactly feel clean afterward. I used Cream of Nature shampoo and from what I can tell its SLS free.

Caveat: I haven't been taking care of my hair and noticing what works and doesn't to fully attribute the softness i felt that time to pre-pooing. I think I want to try coconut oil next time just to see. I'm narrowing down my regimen now and I hope eventually i can say prepoo works!!
My hair dresser used to give me hot oil treatments back in the day as a pre-poo. She would concentrate on the scalp and ends of the hair. We called it the 'fry-chicken' treatment.:grin:
My hair dresser used to give me hot oil treatments back in the day as a pre-poo. She would concentrate on the scalp and ends of the hair. We called it the 'fry-chicken' treatment.:grin:


I've had great success with pre-poos and it definately makes sure my hair doesnt get stripped too much from the shampoo. I recently did an herb oil infusion so I can stimulate some growth with my pre-poo/hot oil treatment. I put Rosemary, Nettle, Lavendar, and Kelp in Coconut and Olive oil.
Prepooing with oil is such a blessing. I dunno what it does but I did a hot coconut oil prepoo and my hair was like silk and detangling was so easy even at 9 weeks post.