What does Aphogee look like and which one?


New Member
What does the packaging for Aphogee look like and which one should I get to stop breakage? How much does it cost? How often should I use it? Got a pic of it?

Thanks Again Ladies!!
Here it is. I used to use it the first time I shampooed after a relaxer. It's been a while since I bought any... I think 4 oz. cost me around $4-$5. They also sell 1 oz packets.
Thanks SassyGirl, Did Aphogee help stop the breakage?? Did you use the shampoo afterwards? Sorry for all the ?'s
No, It is not from the hilites,I don't have bad breakage it's just that I want to prevent it and stop the little thta I do have, especially now that I have hilites.
Oh ok.
I only asked because I really strongly believe that Aphoghee is for the most severe cases of breakage (and usually if you catch it, color breakage doesn't start off severe. It kinda graduates). If you use Aphoghee on hair that doesn't absolutely need it, my observations are that it can actually CAUSE breakage...So if you are only getting mild breakage, a milder protein might do...just so you know.

But do what you feel is best.
Good Luck!
Did Aphogee help stop the breakage?? Did you use the shampoo afterwards?

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It stopped the breakage after my disasterous touch up last year. I think it saved the rest of the hair on my head. I wish I would have caught it sooner.

I didn't use their shampoo. I did use their Two-Minute Reconstructor afterwards, though.
If you use Aphoghee on hair that doesn't absolutely need it, my observations are that it can actually CAUSE breakage.

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I think this might be the case because I have used it twice and more hair came out after using it. I think I will stick with Motions CPR or use the 2 minute reconstuctor.
Kamilla you welcome hon.
I answered your PM.

Guys, what I told Kamilla in short on PM was that when the hair is very very weak Aphoghee is good for bringing the hair back to a normal state of strength. To me, it's really meant for ultra soft, ultra weakened hair that is almost irreparably damaged. The concentrated amounts of protein in it are designed to "harden" the hair and help the shaft be more resilient and less prone to being limp, unable to hold a curl and too soft.

Therefore, if you use it on normal hair (hair that may just be a little dry or breaking just a tad) it will actually "harden" the hair too much and take your normal hair to a heightened state of "strength" that is too far past the limit. That causes MORE breakage and dryness - not what was intended.

Milder protein treatment (reconstructors) are better for hair that just needs a little strengthening and a little help on the resiliency tip.

If you DO need Aphoghee you can always work your way up - but my feeling is it's better not to take it so far over the top from the outset.
Aphoghee is a great product, but it should really on be used on hair that is really really damaged or has just been relaxed (when hair is most weak).

That's it. In short.