What do YOU use to moisturize your braids/twists etc.?


Well-Known Member
I am about to put in some braid extensions and I started to wonder what everyone uses. I use a mixture of Giovanni Direct Leave-In, African Pride Braid Spray and Water to moisturize.
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I mix African Pride braid sheen with Infusium 23 (moisturology, repairology or both)
Twists - water, glycerin, amla oil, tea tree oil, Elasta QP IFC... sometimes I'll add some Oyin HoneyHemp or some AfroDetangler if I'm feeling really dry.
In a spray bottle I mix together Infusium leave in, castor oil, glycerin and water. I use it twice a day just on the braids not the scalp. HTH
I was wondering if you guys all use sprays of some sort? I'm getting twists done and I really want to keep my hair moisturized, but I can't imagine doing it by hand like I do my hair now.
Yes we us spray bottles. I dilute with water so that I don't OD on the products. The key is moisture which in short is Water. I use about 4 to 5 table spoons of glycerine.