What do you use for a braidout?


New Member
I want to start doing braidouts but i dont know what kinds of products to use. Any recs? How long do your braidouts last?

p.s. im cone, paraben, petrolatum, and mineral oil free
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I'm not sure if all my products are free of everything...but I use...my leave in(Lacio Lacio or Elasta QP HTwo), some Chi Silk Infusion, and setting lotion diluted(1 part setting lotion 6 parts water)....I have been doing them pretty heavily this summer. In fact I'm doing another one tomorrow nite. They last about 4 days, but I have to retwist and moisturize every other day to keep it fresh. Once it looks older I'll either cowash and redo it or just do my weekly shampoo wash.
I just use conditioner for my braid/twist/bantu-knot outs. I may add some oil to my ends after I'm done braiding. Anyway, I don't really wear my braidouts out, I pin them up and I rebraid at night, but they last for about a week that way.
My best braidouts have been from using HairOne cleansing conditioner on damp hair and coconut oil. Soft, touchable and shiny!
if my hair is a little dry, i will add Nature's Gate Aloe conditioner all over as a leave in and then coconut oil all over...then top with a little shea (more on the ends)... otherwise, just the coconut oil and shea butter...

i use pure african shea (not-refined, beige/yellowish, lumpy, etc.) bc it still has a little minerals and more natural benefits (also i've found it gives my hair a little more hold than the refined commercial shea butter )

ETA: they last me about a week, 3 days down and the rest in a bun or pony. details in my FOTKI:http://public.fotki.com/FindingMe/1-year-post-relaxer/my-weekly-regimen/
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if my hair is a little dry, i will add Nature's Gate Aloe conditioner all over as a leave in and then coconut oil all over...then top with a little shea (more on the ends)... otherwise, just the coconut oil and shea butter...

i use pure african shea (not-refined, beige/yellowish, lumpy, etc.) bc it still has a little minerals and more natural benefits (also i've found it gives my hair a little more hold than the refined commercial shea butter )

I've had some of my best braidouts using this method...:yep:
Not sure if these are "all that stuff"-free, but I use coconut oil, a dab of shea butter and Fantasia IC gel. I sometimes use Indian hemp grease on the ends before rolling on the perm rod to combat dryness as well.
I dont use much. I recently did my braidout on damp hair, with my aloe vera/glycern mix and coconut oil. it came out beautiful and stayed for about a week with me pinning it up at night to keep its shape.
I use Cantu Shea Butter Leave In....or a mixture of Shea Butter/EVOO/Carrot Oil/Coconut Oil and that works fine too. My braidouts usually last 4 days...however, after the 3rd day I will twist it at night with a hair moisturizer like Olive Oil Leave In (forgot the brand) and take it out in the morning so it can appear a little fresher.
I use light conditioner (cone free, petroleum/mineral oil free) and coconut oil.

The pic in my siggy is a twist out. :)

I'm pretty sure it'd last at least a week. but I retwist/rebraid every other day.