What do you think of this website? (http://www.obamamessiah.blogspot.com)


Well-Known Member
Someone pointed me to this site (below) when I tried to explain why people like Obama so much (how he's like the black JFK).


What do you all think about this website? I was going to dismiss it but then I started reading quotes that were supposedly from mainstream people (listed on the side of the page when you scroll down).

I'm not saying he's the antichrist :nono:. I am just creeped out that people would take their liking him to this level.

I also posted this in the temporary political forum. I wanted to how the two different forums would respond to this.
There is a lot of "hype" behind this man. Some people are worshipping him like he is the savior. I just hope if he gets elected, that he doesn't turn out to be the opposite of the image he is portraying now and disappoint a lot of people.
I think people have just become so overwhelmed by the possibility that we can have a black president in our lifetime. Plus I think America has just been in such a hopeless state since 911 and all of the drastic changes we've incurred because of it that when someone who's in a position to do something about it seems able to be touched by what we're feeling to really "get it" it makes them a little larger than life to them. I thik a lot of those statements were taken out of context and twisted to make it seem as though he's encouraging people to worship him when he's really encouraging them to vote for him:look: