What do you think is my hair type

Candiss said:
The pic is not clear enough. How much new growth do you have?

I would say a little new growth when you click on the image it will become larger hair last relax on 10/9/06
I don't know if I can help, but I have 4a (pen spring sized) coils, with little 4b in the kitchen area. You can see my new growth in my Fotki. If yours looks like mine, then there you are!!!

ETA: It's difficult to figure out your type with just a touch of NG. I know mine because I've been fully natural off and on.
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I think you need at least an inch of new growth to know what type you have. But if you have pics of your hair unpermed that should help you figure it out. It can still be confusing because I think most of us have a mixture of textures.
You should also realise that the first inch or two that come out may be the dreaded scab hair and not really indicative of your true texture. HTH.