What do you say to a Non-Believer???


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Hello Ladies,

Since I've gotten closer to God and recently starting my Evanglist classes, my so called friends went from buddies-to-non-exisitant!!! However I have one particular friend (who I've known for 15 years) who is constanly knocking me and my efforts for getting closer to God. I was sooo excited the first day I started the Evanglist class that I called him. Well he laughed at me and said rude things like "How long is this going to last? Evanglist and Pastor's are in it for the money..." just rude and nasty things like that. When he tells me things like this I find them offensive and I lash out. :mad: He does believe in God but his faith is gone.

I guess my question is, what would you say to a non-believer and what sciptures would you quote out of the Bible? Thanks ladies. :kiss:
Proverbs 17:17 says "A Friend Loves At All Times." If he can't be a friend to you while you are on your walk with Christ then I'm sorry to say that you may have to get rid of that friend. Unless you can open his heart and show him Christ's love and pray for him to do what the Lord says, then if he changes, I would countiue to remain friends with him. But if he does't change I would suggest to just be acquaintances...if that. Also pray that God will change him and that your friend will grow closer to Him. IMHO :)
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Cinnabuns said:
I would countiue to remain friends with him. But if he does't change I would suggest to just be acquaintances...if that. Also pray that God will change him and that your friend will grow closer to Him. IMHO :)

I agree. Matthew 5:16 says, "Let your light shine before men in such a way that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father who is in heaven.

God is in charge. Continue to glorify HIM and things will work out.
stcsweet said:
I agree. Matthew 5:16 says, "Let your light shine before men in such a way that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father who is in heaven.

God is in charge. Continue to glorify HIM and things will work out.

Thank you stcsweet. :kiss: I'm learning so much from you ladies. God Bless You. :angel: