What do you say during fellowship/Greetings


Well-Known Member
I read an article of a young man who wrote to the pastor and told him how much he hated the greeting and I must admit I use to hate it to. When the pastor says look to your right, or look to your left and tell your neighbor God has something special for you. I would never do it I would look straight ahead because I didn't want anyone to tell me what to say. Plus I wasn't feeling the people like that. Now that I am happy where I am we greet each other differently, In our church we choose how we greet each other some with hugs. some with kiss and some with just shaking your hands and saying welcome, or happy sabbath, or its really nice to see you welcome. I really like it I walk around the entire church doing it just about like that I hug all the members I know and I kiss the pastors wife and some close friends of mine. and shake hands with those I do not know and I always put my other hand on top to let them know its sincere. I make sure I get over to the new visitors and to greet them because when I was new I felt that is how you feel welcomed there. What or how do you greet visitors and how is your welcome in your services.
i hate strangers touching me and i hate hugging in church. i think that it is a personal affront to me to invade my personal space with out my permission. additionally i do not want to smell like 50-11 different body odors, perfumes, colognes most of which smell foul.

bottom line: idc if it is church, do not touch me and i will not touch you. if i do not know you i will not hug you.

the ONLY exception is the few times the HS led me to hug, touch, shake hands with someone and that happens more outside of church than inside.
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My thing is, if Jesus could go through throngs of dirty or sick strangers without fear, it's good enough for me. Isn't being Christ-like the whole point? In an ideal world, we all would behave this way. But people are people. Church is about 'fellowship' and interacting with people is part of the assembly. Why come to church, then?? I do get turned off by folks in my church who turn up their noses and won't shake hands or refuse to hug back, or greet others, it's condescending to me. :imo: I've run into a few before....you gotta love 'em anyway. LOL. They're still brothers and sisters.

As for doing what the minister says...sometimes I believe ministers feel the need to do that so those very folks could loosen up or warm up to others... this happens where I worship all the time, and it helps.

I'm sure their vantage view from the pulpit has a lot to do with why they do this .:laugh:

As for me, I would greet who greet me, however they choose. I won't go out of my way to do so, but I'll be cordial.

I read an article of a young man who wrote to the pastor and told him how much he hated the greeting and I must admit I use to hate it to. When the pastor says look to your right, or look to your left and tell your neighbor God has something special for you. I would never do it I would look straight ahead because I didn't want anyone to tell me what to say. Plus I wasn't feeling the people like that. Now that I am happy where I am we greet each other differently, In our church we choose how we greet each other some with hugs. some with kiss and some with just shaking your hands and saying welcome, or happy sabbath, or its really nice to see you welcome. I really like it I walk around the entire church doing it just about like that I hug all the members I know and I kiss the pastors wife and some close friends of mine. and shake hands with those I do not know and I always put my other hand on top to let them know its sincere. I make sure I get over to the new visitors and to greet them because when I was new I felt that is how you feel welcomed there. What or how do you greet visitors and how is your welcome in your services.
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I don't mind hugging and greeting those around me. I'm not walking down the pew or across the sanctuary though. A few friendly hugs and then I'm done.

I may or may not repeat after the minister. It depends on if the person I sit next to is really into it, then I'll go along for their benefit. Otherwise, I'll sit there quiet.
i hate strangers touching me and i hate hugging in church. i think that it is a personal affront to me to invade my personal space with out my permission. additionally i do not want to smell like 50-11 different body odors, perfumes, colognes most of which smell foul.

bottom line: idk if it is church, do not touch me and i will not touch you. if i do not know you i will not hug you.

the ONLY exception is the few times the HS led me to hug, touch, shake hands with someone and that happens more outside of church than inside.

:bighug: :bighug: :bighug:
I read an article of a young man who wrote to the pastor and told him how much he hated the greeting and I must admit I use to hate it to. When the pastor says look to your right, or look to your left and tell your neighbor God has something special for you. I would never do it I would look straight ahead because I didn't want anyone to tell me what to say. Plus I wasn't feeling the people like that. Now that I am happy where I am we greet each other differently,

In our church we choose how we greet each other some with hugs. some with kiss and some with just shaking your hands and saying welcome, or happy sabbath, or its really nice to see you welcome. I really like it I walk around the entire church doing it just about like that I hug all the members I know and I kiss the pastors wife and some close friends of mine. and shake hands with those I do not know and I always put my other hand on top to let them know its sincere. I make sure I get over to the new visitors and to greet them because when I was new I felt that is how you feel welcomed there.

What or how do you greet visitors and how is your welcome in your services.

The very first thing that anyone ever gets from me is a smile. I just light up when I see people, especially those that I know and have a relationship with.

I don't plan it, it just happens; it's as if I'm on auto. From what others tell me, they always see 'love' in my eyes. All I can say is that it has to be Jesus; even when I'm having a challenge, the smile is always there.

I do admit that I'm not agreeable to hugging just anyone. I'm serious about that. Not all people have 'hug' etiquette. I feel that we should be wise and discerning; and I don't mean it in a discriminating or non approachable way. If someone is hurting, I'm not going to add to their hurt by adding rejection to it.

However, 'we' know when something is not quite right with a person and we have to have boundaries using wisdom.
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Ahhh...give 'em a hug already... it's not that serious... :lachen:

The very first thing that anyone ever gets from me is a smile. I just light up when I see people, especially those that I know and have a relationship with.

I don't plan it, it just happens; it's as if I'm on auto. From what others tell me, they always see 'love' in my eyes. All I can say is that it has to be Jesus; even when I'm having a challenge, the smile is always there.

I do admit that I'm not agreeable to hugging just anyone. I'm serious about that. Not all people have 'hug' etiquette. I feel that we should be wise and discerning; and I don't mean it in a discriminating or non approachable way. If someone is hurting, I'm not going to add to their hurt by adding rejection to it.

However, 'we' know when something is not quite right with a person and we have to have boundaries using wisdom.
Since I am a touchy feeling type person, I don't mind hugging or being hugged by most people. If I get "a feeling", I will shake hands and give them a smile.
There's a specific part of the liturgy, before communion where the pastor says, "Let us greet one another with a sign of peace." And then everyone greets those around them with either a handshake, a hug, maybe a kiss on the cheek if it's an older lady, and says "The peace of the Lord be with you," or "Peace" or something in between.

I hug my friends, shake hands with everyone else, which is generally the proper etiquette. It only gets awkward when you get stuck in that "I'm going to shake your hand but you reach you to hug me" kind of situation. It's kind of nice when someone reaches out for a hug unexpectedly, though.
I agree with all the post. I don't hug everyone. I know I said I do but it depends on how the person is reacting if they are stand back I just shake their hands or touched their arm but its only people I know. I would not like to be hugged by strangers but it happens. sometimes people just want to be extra friendly and only a few kiss me Thank Goodness. I only kiss my closes friends and the pastors Wife because she extends her cheek or she kiss you. She is beautiful in person and actions. I came across this scripture and it helped me be more open towards other people even strangers, I don't kiss them but I do greet them with geniune welcome
Acts 20:37
And they began to weep aloud and embraced Paul, and repeatedly kissed him, ( because he was leaving and they did not think they would ever see him again. These are not close friends these are the people in the Ephesus church that he was teaching.
Romans 16:16
Greet one another with a holy kiss. All the churches of Christ greet you.

1 Corinthians 16:20
All the brethren greet you. Greet one another with a holy kiss.

2 Corinthians 13:12
Greet one another with a holy kiss.

1 Thessalonians 5:26
Greet all the brethren with a holy kiss.

1 Peter 5:14
Greet one another with a kiss of love Peace be to you all who are in Christ.
Shaking of the hands and a "peace be with you" often suffices, however, if someone wants to hug me well its' all good :yep:
Shimmie & Laela your good people because I will look at you like you have lost all your mind if your try to shake my hand,hug me or God forbid kiss me.It's only on very rare situations that I will hug people or even shake hands.I don't like people in general.I use to the type that wouldn't even go to church but would watch my service online so I wouldn't have to be bothered with all that.I know that not correct but I just don't like people very much.Im very much the introvert that only comes out in professional arenas since Im trying to branc into HR.

Maybe one day.And kids are the worst..:barf:..Im a very hands off person..heck when the admin comes around my desk to give me something Im in offense for at least a few minutes once she gone..
I actually prefer to hug people over shaking hands but it has nothing to do with whether I'm friendly or not. It's more about germs for me. If you could guarantee that everyone washed their hands when they used the bathroom after Sunday school that morning then I'd be much more comfortable with shaking hands. :lachen: I know hugs seem more personal but when you hug someone you touch there backs which usually means their clothing and not their skin. I'm not even close to being OCD about germs but when it comes to shaking hands it makes my skin crawl a little.

ETA: I didn't really think about it this way until a minister in my church told us the government was asking churches to refrain from instructing the congregation to shake hands and greet each other in order to prevent the flu from spreading.
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"Hi" usually for those who I don't know very well.

A Hug for those I know, those who I chat to beyond facebook or are friends.
The problem with me is that I am an extremely shy person when it comes to things like that. I have no problem with other people. It's a problem within myself.
After joining my sorority and living in the south for 8 yrs I'm used to hugging any and everyone (except men I don't know). If the person near me is into it I will bend down and hug them if not I extend my hand or give a half hug. If its a man I know I give a short hug or half hug and only shake the hand of those I don't. At my current church if we have greeting/fellowship it's only once in a while because we are a very close church and ppl will travel all over the sanctuary to greet ppl and it can take a while to settle back in their seats.
Acts 20:37
And they began to weep aloud and embraced Paul, and repeatedly kissed him, ( because he was leaving and they did not think they would ever see him again. These are not close friends these are the people in the Ephesus church that he was teaching.
Romans 16:16
Greet one another with a holy kiss. All the churches of Christ greet you.

1 Corinthians 16:20
All the brethren greet you. Greet one another with a holy kiss.

2 Corinthians 13:12
Greet one another with a holy kiss.

1 Thessalonians 5:26
Greet all the brethren with a holy kiss.

1 Peter 5:14
Greet one another with a kiss of love Peace be to you all who are in Christ.

I don’t think those verses are for mixed genders. Some cultures don’t agree with proximity between persons if those persons are not the same sex or relatives, and it’s a very good etiquette to follow in the church of Jesus-Christ, no pretext (I’ve heard someone saying that he went there just to kiss and hug the ladies, this was his favorite part).

For me, a smile with a Shalom or God bless you is the best, especially in our times. :yep:

But, it’s difficult to have a real control on what others do (shaking hands / hugs).
I know some and especially the elders love to kiss, but I really don’t like to be kissed by someone who is not closed to me (sometimes, they let a trace on your cheek ! :nono: ).

[FONT=&quot]With discernment, love and wisdom, every thing is all right.[/FONT]